korneal floresan boyama

korneal floresan boyama teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
korneal floresan boyama corneal fluorescein staining

korneal floresan boyama terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

floresan boyama fluorescein staining
floresan boyama fluorescence staining
floresan boyama fluorescent staining
direkt floresan antikor boyama direct fluorescent antibody staining
floresan antikor boyama fluorescent antibody staining
boyama ve boyama painting and repainting
korneal stafilom corneal staphyloma
korneal aşınma corneal abrasion
korneal flep corneal flap
korneal stroma corneal stroma
korneal distrofi corneal dystrophy
korneal inceltme corneal thinning
korneal opasizasyon corneal opacification
korneal ark corneal arcus
korneal limbus corneal limbus
korneal yanıklar corneal burns
korneal pakimetri corneal pachymetry
korneal bozulma corneal distortion
korneal çizik corneal scratch
korneal dekompansasyon corneal decompensation
korneal doku kanadı flap of corneal tissue
korneal heykel corneal sculpting
korneal berraklık corneal clarity
korneal kristaller corneal crystallins
korneal asferiklik corneal asphericity
floresan florescent
floresan ışığı yaymak fluoresce
floresan fluorescence
floresan aktive hücre sıralayıcısı fluorescence-activated cell sorter
floresan fluorescent
floresan antikor tekniği fluorescent antibody technique
floresan antinükleer antikor testi fluorescent antinuclear antibody test
floresan mikroskobu fluorescent microscope
floresan ekran fluorescent screen
floresan treponemal antikor emilim testi fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
floresan boya fluorescent dye
floresan anjiyografi fluorescein angiography
floresan yerinde hibridizasyon fluorescence in situ hybridization
floresan tüpü fluorescent tube
floresan aydınlatma fluorescent lighting
floresan izotiyosiyanat fluorescein isothiocyanate
floresan görüntüleme fluorescence imaging
vakumlu floresan gösterge vacuum fluorescent display
floresan mikroskobu fluorescence microscopy
floresan mikroskobu fluorescence microscope
floresan yerinde hibridizasyon fluorescent in situ hybridization
floresan aktive hücre sıralama fluorescence activated cell sorting
kompakt floresan lambalar compact fluorescent lights
floresan tespiti fluorescence detection
floresan probu fluorescent probe