fluorescein staining

fluorescein staining teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
fluorescein staining floresan boyama

fluorescein staining terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

corneal fluorescein staining korneal floresan boyama
fluorescein floresein
fluorescein angiography floresan anjiyografi
fluorescein isothiocyanate floresan izotiyosiyanat
fluorescein dye floresan boya
sodium fluorescein sodyum floresan
fluorescein-conjugated floresein-konjüge
fluorescein stain floresan boyası
fluorescein diacetate floresan diasetat
fluorescein labelled etiketli floresan
to observe with fluorescein patients fluoreserin hastalarını gözlemlemek
fluorescein eye drops floresan göz damlası
progressive staining ilerici boyama
regressive staining gerici boyama
staining lekeleme
vital staining hayati boyama
non-staining boyamayan
gram staining gram boyama
silver staining gümüş boyama
immunohistochemical staining immünohistokimyasal boyama
staining solution boyama çözeltisi
corneal staining kornea boyama
meconium staining mekonyum boyama
dye staining boya boyama
cell staining hücre boyama
staining agent boyama maddesi
staining method boyama yöntemi
staining technique boyama tekniği
selective staining seçici boyama
staining material boyama malzemesi
positive staining pozitif boyama
histological staining histolojik boyama
fixing and staining sabitleme ve boyama
water staining su boyama
staining pattern boyama deseni
heavy staining ağır boyama
slide staining slayt boyama
hematoxylin-eosin staining hematoksilen-eozin boyama
iron staining demir boyama
tooth staining diş boyama
staining properties boyama özellikleri
staining procedure boyama prosedürü
yellow staining sarı boyama
background staining arka plan boyama
staining cells boyama hücreleri
antibody staining antikor boyama
no staining boyama yok
immunofluorescent staining immünofloresan boyama
eosin staining eozin boyama
staining reagents boyama reaktifleri