the quantity you would like to purchase

the quantity you would like to purchase teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
the quantity you would like to purchase satın almak istediğiniz miktar

the quantity you would like to purchase terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

i would like a like you senin gibi bir şey istiyorum
i would like to purchase satın almak istiyorum
would like to purchase satın almak istiyorum
purchase quantity satın alma miktarı
minimum purchase quantity asgari satın alma miktarı
purchase order quantity satınalma siparişi miktarı
would you like me to send you sana göndermemi ister misin
would you like me to call you? seni aramamı ister misin?
if you would like us to send you an invoice by post, size posta yoluyla bir fatura göndermemizi isterseniz,
like quantity miktar gibi
would you like ister misin
i would like to ask you ben size sormak istiyorum
i would like to thank you sana teşekkür etmek isterim
i would like to inform you ben sizi bilgilendirmek istiyorum
if you would like eğer istersen
i would like you to ben isterim
what would you like ne alırsınız
i would like to thank you for için teşekkür ederim
you would like sen seversin
i would like to see you seni görmek istiyorum
i would like to remind you sana hatırlatmak isterim
i would like to tell you sana söylemek istiyorum
we would like to hear from you sizden duymak istiyoruz
i would like to share with you seninle paylaşmak isterim
would you like some biraz ister misin
would like you to isterdim
would like to inform you sizi bilgilendirmek isterim
i would like to talk to you seninle konuşmak isterim
would like to thank you teşekkür etmek isterim
i would like to hear from you senden duymak istiyorum
would like to ask you sana sormak istiyorum
if you would like more information daha fazla bilgi istersen
i would like to show you sana göstermek istiyorum
i would like to remind you that sana hatırlatmak isterim
i would like to thank you for your senin için teşekkür ederim
i would kindly like to ask you nazikçe sormak istiyorum
i would like you to give me bana vermeni istiyorum
i would like to thank you in advance şimdiden teşekkür etmek isterim
i would like to thank you all hepinize teşekkür etmek istiyorum
i would like to advise you sana tavsiyelerde bulunmak isterim
if you would like to participate katılmak istersen
i would like to give you sana vermek istiyorum
i would like to know if you have any news haberin var mı bilmek istiyorum
i would like to have you sana sahip olmak isterim
that you would like istediğini
we would like to assure you sizi temin etmek istiyoruz
i would like to congratulate you seni tebrik etmek istiyorum
i would like to say you sana söylemek istiyorum
would like to hear from you sizden duymak istiyorum
would you like a cup of coffee bir fincan kahve ister misiniz