endometrial atrofi

endometrial atrofi teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
endometrial atrofi endometrial atrophy

endometrial atrofi terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

atrofi atrophia
atrofi atrophy
endometrial stromal sarkom endometrial stromal sarcoma
ailesel spinal müsküler atrofi familial spinal muscular atrophy
infantil müsküler atrofi infantile muscular atrophy
infantil progresif spinal müsküler atrofi infantile progressive spinal muscular atrophy
doğrusal atrofi linear atrophy
olivopontocerebellar atrofi olivopontocerebellar atrophy
peroneal müsküler atrofi peroneal muscular atrophy
ilerleyici müsküler atrofi progressive muscular atrophy
spinal atrofi spinal atrophy
endometrial ablasyon endometrial ablation
endometrial astar endometrial lining
endometrial biyopsi endometrial biopsy
villöz atrofi villous atrophy
endometrial şerit endometrial stripe
endometrial kalınlık endometrial thickness
vajinal atrofi vaginal atrophy
endometrial kalınlaşma endometrial thickening
endometrial karsinom endometrial carcinoma
endometrial doku endometrial tissue
endometrial polip endometrial polyp
optik atrofi optic atrophy
kortikal atrofi cortical atrophy
endometrial hücreler endometrial cells
endometrial kavite endometrial cavity
beyaz atrofi white atrophy
endometrial proliferasyon endometrial proliferation
tübüler atrofi tubular atrophy
coğrafi atrofi geographic atrophy
endometrial örnekleme endometrial sampling
infantil spinal müsküler atrofi infantile spinal muscular atrophy
endometrial hazırlık endometrial preparation
endometrial adenokarsinom endometrial adenocarcinoma
endometrial büyüme endometrial growth
endometrial küretaj endometrial curettage
kısmi atrofi partial atrophy
endometrial inceltme endometrial thinning
ilerleyici spinal müsküler atrofi progressive spinal muscular atrophy
endometrial ve yumurtalık kanseri endometrial and ovarian cancer
fokal atrofi focal atrophy
kas kullanımı atrofi muscle disuse atrophy
mtl atrofi mtl atrophy
kullanılmayan atrofi atrophy with disuse
penil atrofi penile atrophy
endometrial histoloji endometrial histology
yaygın atrofi diffuse atrophy
endometrial tümör endometrial tumor
endometrial kansere neden olur cause endometrial cancer
rahim endometrial uterine endometrial