endometrial atrophy

endometrial atrophy teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
endometrial atrophy endometrial atrofi

endometrial atrophy terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

endometrial endometriyal
endometrial stromal sarcoma endometrial stromal sarkom
endometrial cancer endometriyal kanser
endometrial ablation endometrial ablasyon
endometrial lining endometrial astar
endometrial biopsy endometrial biyopsi
endometrial hyperplasia endometriyal hiperplazi
endometrial stripe endometrial şerit
endometrial thickness endometrial kalınlık
endometrial thickening endometrial kalınlaşma
endometrial carcinoma endometrial karsinom
endometrial tissue endometrial doku
endometrial polyp endometrial polip
endometrial cells endometrial hücreler
endometrial cavity endometrial kavite
endometrial proliferation endometrial proliferasyon
endometrial sampling endometrial örnekleme
endometrial preparation endometrial hazırlık
endometrial adenocarcinoma endometrial adenokarsinom
endometrial growth endometrial büyüme
endometrial curettage endometrial küretaj
endometrial thinning endometrial inceltme
endometrial and ovarian cancer endometrial ve yumurtalık kanseri
atypical endometrial atipik endometriyal
endometrial histology endometrial histoloji
endometrial tumor endometrial tümör
cause endometrial cancer endometrial kansere neden olur
uterine endometrial rahim endometrial
atypical endometrial hyperplasia atipik endometrial hiperplazi
endometrial stem cells endometrial kök hücreler
endometrial cups endometrial bardaklar
early-stage endometrial cancer erken evre endometrial kanser
acute yellow atrophy of liver karaciğerin akut sarı atrofisi
atrophy atrofi
familial spinal muscular atrophy ailesel spinal müsküler atrofi
infantile muscular atrophy infantil müsküler atrofi
infantile progressive spinal muscular atrophy infantil progresif spinal müsküler atrofi
juvenile muscular atrophy genç kas atrofisi
leber's hereditary optic atrophy leber'ın kalıtsal optik atrofisi
linear atrophy doğrusal atrofi
olivopontocerebellar atrophy olivopontocerebellar atrofi
peroneal muscular atrophy peroneal müsküler atrofi
pick's atrophy atrofisini seç
progressive muscular atrophy ilerleyici müsküler atrofi
spinal atrophy spinal atrofi
sudeck's atrophy sudeck atrofisi
yellow atrophy of liver karaciğer sarı atrofisi
gyrate atrophy of choroid and retina koroid ve retinanın gyrate atrofisi
spinal muscular atrophy omuriliğe bağlı kas atrofisi
villous atrophy villöz atrofi