his performance

his performance teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
his performance onun performansı

his performance terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

performance or non-performance performans veya performanssız
past performance is not a guide to future performance geçmiş performans gelecekteki performans için bir rehber değildir
non-performance or late performance performanssız veya geç performans
cello performance performance viyolonsel performans performansı
delay in performance or non performance performansta gecikme veya performanssızlık
past performance is not a guarantee of future performance geçmiş performans gelecekteki performansın garantisi değildir
performance of his duties görevini yerine getirmesi
in the performance of his duties görevini yerine getirirken
performance of his obligations yükümlülüklerinin yerine getirilmesi
evaluate his performance performansını değerlendir
with his performance onun performansı ile
improve his performance performansını artırmak
performance of his duty görevinin yerine getirilmesi
proper performance of his duties görevlerinin uygun şekilde yerine getirilmesi
improve his academic performance akademik performansını geliştirmek
incurred in the performance of his duties görevini yerine getirirken
performance of his function. fonksiyonunun performansı.
performance of his staff personelinin performansı
his exemplary performance onun örnek performansı
in the performance of his d onun performansında
his job performance iş performansı
if his performance eğer onun performansı
affect his performance performansını etkilemek
performance of his obligations under contract sözleşmedeki yükümlülüklerinin yerine getirilmesi
in the performance of his functions fonksiyonlarının performansında
as his performance onun performansı olarak
in his name and on his behalf onun adına ve adına
wear his heart on his sleeve kalbini koluna tak
put his money where his mouth is parasını ağzının olduğu yere koy
his eyes with his hands elleriyle gözlerini
keeps his cards close to his chest kartlarını göğsüne yakın tutar
holds his head in his hands kafasını elinde tutar
wears his heart on his sleeve kalbini koluna takıyor
his tail between his legs bacaklarının arasındaki kuyruğunu
puts his money where his mouth is parasını ağzına koyar
tore his robe and shaved his head bornozunu yırttı ve başını traş etti
cover his face with his hands elleriyle yüzünü koru
n his name and on his behalf n onun adına ve onun adına
leaned his head on his hand kafasını elinde eğildi
his name and on his behalf onun adı ve onun adına
his son and his daughter oğlu ve kızı
his commitment to his profession mesleğine olan bağlılığı
his attachment to his country ülkesine bağlılığı
keep his cards close to his ches kartlarını ches'ine yakın tut
his winnowing fan is in his hand winnowing hayranı elinde
his heart on his sleeve kalbi onun kolunda
with his words and his deeds sözleriyle ve yaptıklarıyla
it his his fault onun hatası
his inheritance from his father babasından mirası
his hand on his heart onun kalbini elinde