subjected to a study

subjected to a study teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
subjected to a study bir çalışmaya tabi

subjected to a study terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

subjected tabi
were subjected to tabi
have been subjected to tabi
when subjected to tabi olduğunda
subjected to violence şiddete maruz
been subjected to tabi
they were subjected to maruz kaldılar
subjected to discrimination ayrımcılığa maruz
subjected to force kuvvete tabi
subjected to attacks saldırılara maruz
subjected to torture işkenceye maruz
subjected to pressure baskıya maruz
subjected to changes değişikliklere tabi
subjected to testing teste tabi
have not been subjected to tabi tutulmamış
subjected to scrutiny incelemeye tabi
has subjected tabi
subjected him to onu tabi
subjected to restrictions kısıtlamalara tabi
subjected to stress strese maruz
subjected to abuse istismara maruz kalmış
subjected to the law kanuna tabi
have subjected tabi
subjected to ridicule alay konusu
subjected to harassment tacize maruz kalmış
subjected to peer review meslektaş incelemesine tabi
is subjected to changes değişikliklere tabi tutulur
subjected to test teste tabi
subjected to approval onayına tabi
subjected to sexual violence cinsel şiddete maruz
are being subjected to tabi tutuluyor
subjected to questioning sorgulamaya tabi
subjected to conditions şartlara tabi
samples subjected to tabi numuneler
patients subjected to surgery ameliyat geçiren hastalar
reportedly subjected bildirildiği gibi
subjected to rules kurallara tabi
subjected to strain zorlamaya tabi
subjected to the death penalty ölüm cezasına tabi
subjected to pain acıya maruz
is subsequently subjected daha sonra tabi tutulur
subjected to modification değişikliğe tabi
subjected to fire ateşe maruz
is subjected to approval onayına tabi
subjected to arrest tutuklandı
is subjected to law kanuna tabi
subjected to verification doğrulamaya tabi
subjected yourself kendine tabi
had been subjected tabi
causes to be subjected tabi tutulmasına sebep olan sebepler