which of the following are you likely to do

which of the following are you likely to do teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
which of the following are you likely to do aşağıdakilerden hangisini yapmanız muhtemeldir?

which of the following are you likely to do terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

which of the following do you feel aşağıdakilerden hangisini hissediyorsun
which is likely muhtemel olan
which most likely hangisi daha büyük
which will most likely hangisi büyük olasılıkla
which will likely muhtemel olan
which very likely bu çok muhtemel
which was likely to muhtemel olan
which is likely to influence etkilemesi muhtemel olan
which appear likely muhtemel görünen
which are likely to impede hangi engel olabilir
projects which are likely to have significant effects on the üzerinde önemli etkileri olabilecek projeler
which of the following aşağıdakilerden hangisi
following which ardından
which of the following best describes aşağıdakilerden hangisi en iyi tarif edilir?
following the date on which hangi tarihte
which of the following, if any aşağıdakilerden hangisi, varsa
which included the following aşağıdakileri içeren
which of the following statements are true aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur
which of the following statements best describes aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi en iyi şekilde açıklanmaktadır?
which of the following are true aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur
which fall within the following aşağıdakiler dahilinde olan
which leads to the following aşağıdakilere yol açar
which of the following comes closest aşağıdakilerden hangisi en yakın
which meet the following criteria aşağıdaki kriterleri karşılayan
which include the following aşağıdakileri içeren
among which the following stand out aşağıdakiler öne çıkıyor
which stated the following aşağıdakileri belirtti
following the quarter in which hangi çeyreğin ardından
which stipulate the following aşağıdakileri şart koşan
following suspicions of fraud which dolandırıcılık şüphelerini takiben
among which stress the following hangi stres arasında
which of the following best aşağıdakilerden hangisi en iyisi?
which of the following is true about aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur
fair complexion, which include the following aşağıdakileri içeren adil ten
following the month during which hangi ay boyunca
which 10 of the following aşağıdakilerden hangisi
which advocates the following aşağıdakileri savunan
noteworthy of which are the following dikkate değer
which of the following statements are correct aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi doğru
following a trial in which bir deneyi takiben
which stands for the following aşağıdaki anlamına gelir
of the following, which aşağıdakilerden hangisi
which of the following is false aşağıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır
which says the following hangi diyor ki
which meet the following aşağıdakileri karşılayan
you are likely to muhtemelen
how likely are you to recommend ne kadar tavsiye edeceksin?
how likely would you be ne kadar muhtemel olursun
as you are likely aware muhtemelen bildiğiniz gibi
how likely is it that you would recommend ne kadar tavsiye edersin?