to have condoned

to have condoned teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
to have condoned kandırmak

to have condoned terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

condoned condoned
condoned by government hükümet tarafından çağrıldı
is to be condoned dolandırılmak
effectively condoned etkili bir şekilde kodlanmış
being condoned by tarafından kandırılmak
condoned violations kodlanmış ihlaller
socially condoned sosyal olarak kodlanmış
condoned under any circumstances her koşulda kınamak
are condoned condoned
to be condoned kandırılmak
were condoned condoned edildi
is never condoned asla bağdaşmaz
condoned credit kodlanmış kredi
have been found to have olduğu bulundu
have and have not sahip ve değil
have been shown to have sahip olduğu gösterildi
i would have loved to have been olmak isterdim
i would have liked to have been olmak isterdim
unesco that have been adopted or have taken place since bu tarihten beri kabul edilmiş veya yapılmış olan unesco
i would have liked to have had sahip olmak isterdim
have been shown to have had sahip olduğu gösterildi
i would have like to have sahip olmak isterdim
once you have have finished bir kere bittiğinde
i would have liked to have gone gitmeyi çok isterdim
would have liked to have been able yapabilmek isterdi
would have loved to have sahip olmak isterdi
have have there been any hiç olmuş mu
i have have lunch öğle yemeğimi yedim
what did i have have neyim var
i would have loved to have done so öyle yapmayı çok isterdim
have you ever have an operation hiç ameliyat oldun mu
i would have liked to have done yapmayı çok isterdim
have or have had in the past geçmişte yaşadım ya da yaşadım
we have to have patience sabrımız olmalı
have been reported to have bildirilmiş
you may have noticed that i have not been well lately. so, i son zamanlarda pek iyi olmadığımı fark etmiş olabilirsin. yani ben
we would, of course, have liked to have gone further in some elbette bazılarında daha ileriye gitmek isterdik
would have like to had have sahip olmak isterdim
would have liked to have had sahip olmak isterdi
have become used to have alışmış olmak
we have have processed işledik
that have come to our notice, or which we have tested bu bizim bildirimize geldi, ya da test ettik.
i would have liked to have been more involved daha fazla dahil olmak isterdim
that have been adopted or have taken place since o zamandan beri kabul edilmiş veya
you don't have to have a college degree üniversite diplomasına sahip olmak zorunda değilsin
across the globe, incomes have stagnated while prices have soared. tüm dünyada fiyatlar yükselirken, gelirler durgunlaştı.
would have liked to have seen görmek isterdi
to have have something accounted for hesaba katılmış bir şeye sahip olmak
we have to come forward with a proposal - as mr crowley and others have do bir teklifle gelmek zorundayız - bay crowley ve diğerleri gibi
have have typically been used tipik olarak kullanılmış