has become a routine procedure

has become a routine procedure teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
has become a routine procedure rutin bir prosedür haline geldi

has become a routine procedure terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

routine and non- routine rutin ve rutin olmayan
has become routine rutin hale geldi
routine medical procedure rutin tıbbi prosedür
become routine rutin olmak
become a routine rutin olmak
should become as routine as balancing your checkbook çek defterini dengelemek kadar rutin olmalı
will become more routine daha rutin olacak
become more routine daha rutin olmak
have now become routine şimdi rutin hale geldi
have become routine rutin hale gelmek
procurement procedure or grant award procedure ihale prosedürü veya hibe hibe prosedürü
routine has rutin var
become,became,become olmak oldu olmuştu
become becoming becomes a to become olmak olmak olmak
become become haline gelmek
procedure has never been used prosedür hiç kullanılmamış
procedure has not been complied prosedür uygulanmadı
has a standard procedure standart bir prosedür var
assembly routine montaj rutini
co-routine eş rutin
escape routine kaçış rutini
routine rutin
daily routine günlük rutin
routine maintenance rutin bakım
non-routine rutin olmayan
on a routine basis rutin olarak
routine care rutin bakım
routine use rutin kullanım
routine testing rutin test
routine basis rutin temel
routine test rutin test
routine service rutin servis
bedtime routine yatmadan önce rutin
routine work rutin çalışma
routine monitoring rutin izleme
routine tasks rutin görevler
routine check rutin kontrol
routine screening rutin tarama
routine practice rutin uygulama
routine activities rutin aktiviteler
as a matter of routine rutin olarak
routine operation rutin işlem
routine vaccination rutin aşılama
morning routine sabah rutini
my daily routine günlük rutinim
exercise routine egzersiz rutini
routine immunization rutin aşılama
routine management rutin yönetim
workout routine egzersiz rutini
routine foot care rutin ayak bakımı