routine test

routine test teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
routine test rutin test

routine test terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

routine and non- routine rutin ve rutin olmayan
test, test and re-test test, test ve yeniden test
test routine test rutini
routine laboratory test rutin laboratuvar testleri
routine blood test rutin kan testi
routine urine test rutin idrar testi
non-routine test rutin olmayan test
a routine blood test rutin kan testi
as a routine test rutin test olarak
self test routine öz sınama yordamı
routine check test rutin kontrol testi
routine and sampling test rutin ve örnekleme testi
pre-test and post-test ön test ve son test
t test and chi square test t testi ve ki kare testi
test-test reliability test-test güvenilirliği
applied over-voltage test or power frequency test uygulanan aşırı voltaj testi veya güç frekans testi
visual test]test\ görsel test] test & # 092;
test t test test t testi
assembly routine montaj rutini
co-routine eş rutin
escape routine kaçış rutini
routine rutin
daily routine günlük rutin
routine maintenance rutin bakım
non-routine rutin olmayan
on a routine basis rutin olarak
routine care rutin bakım
routine use rutin kullanım
routine testing rutin test
routine basis rutin temel
routine service rutin servis
bedtime routine yatmadan önce rutin
routine work rutin çalışma
routine monitoring rutin izleme
routine tasks rutin görevler
routine check rutin kontrol
routine screening rutin tarama
routine practice rutin uygulama
routine activities rutin aktiviteler
as a matter of routine rutin olarak
routine operation rutin işlem
routine vaccination rutin aşılama
morning routine sabah rutini
my daily routine günlük rutinim
exercise routine egzersiz rutini
routine immunization rutin aşılama
routine management rutin yönetim
workout routine egzersiz rutini
routine foot care rutin ayak bakımı
routine cleaning rutin temizlik