to counter violations

to counter violations teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
to counter violations ihlalleri önlemek

to counter violations terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

counter-counter-intelligence karşı-karşı istihbarat
human rights violations insan hakları ihlali
suspected violations şüpheli ihlaller
reporting violations ihlal bildirme
compliance violations uygunluk ihlalleri
gross human rights violations brüt insan hakları ihlalleri
violations of law hukuk ihlalleri
regulatory violations düzenleyici ihlaller
legal violations yasal ihlaller
antitrust violations antitröst ihlalleri
code violations kod ihlalleri
ethics violations etik ihlalleri
widespread violations yaygın ihlaller
serious violations ciddi ihlaller
securities violations menkul kıymet ihlali
report violations ihlal bildir
address violations adres ihlali
egregious violations korkunç ihlaller
rights violations hak ihlalleri
minor traffic violations küçük trafik ihlalleri
repeated violations tekrarlanan ihlaller
ongoing violations devam eden ihlaller
actual violations gerçek ihlaller
violations of human rights insan hakları ihlalleri
labour violations iş ihlali
known or suspected violations bilinen veya şüphelenilen ihlaller
administrative violations idari ihlaller
violations of this policy bu politika ihlalleri
moving traffic violations hareketli trafik ihlalleri
per se violations kendi başına ihlal
prosecute violations kovuşturma ihlali
reporting of violations ihlallerin bildirilmesi
boundary violations sınır ihlalleri
accounting violations muhasebe ihlalleri
labor violations iş ihlali
immigration violations göçmenlik ihlalleri
patent violations patent ihlalleri
customs violations gümrük ihlalleri
securities law violations menkul kıymetler kanunu ihlalleri
serious human rights violations ciddi insan hakları ihlalleri
weapons violations silah ihlalleri
health code violations sağlık kodu ihlalleri
violations of policy politika ihlalleri
gross violations of human rights ağır insan hakları ihlalleri
osha violations osha ihlalleri
actual or suspected violations fiili veya şüpheli ihlaller
redress for violations ihlaller için tazminat
voltage violations gerilim ihlalleri
motor vehicle violations motorlu taşıt ihlalleri
conduct violations ihlallerde bulunmak