calls into question the conduct

calls into question the conduct teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
calls into question the conduct davranışı sorgulamaya çağırır

calls into question the conduct terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

calls into question soruya çağrılar
it calls into question soruya çağırıyor
this calls into question bu soruya cevap veriyor
once again calls into question bir kez daha soru soruyor
calls into question the decision kararı sorgulamaya çağırır
to poor quality calls, one way audio calls, improperly terminate düşük kaliteli aramalara, tek yönlü sesli aramalara, uygun olmayan şekilde sonlandırma
conduct calls arama yapmak
conduct in question söz konusu davranış
was the conduct in question the direct result of söz konusu davranış doğrudan sonucuydu
calls into play oyuna giriş
calls into existence varoluş çağrıları
calls into action eyleme geçme
dial into conference calls konferans görüşmeleri yapmak
put into practice conduct uygulamaya koymak
into question sorguya girmek
call into question soruya cevap vermek
called into question sorgulandı
put into question sorguya koymak
come into question soruya gelmek
calling into question soruya çağırmak
bring into question soruya getirmek
brought into question soruya getirildi
brings into question soruya getiriyor
puts into question soruya koyar
comes into question soruya geliyor
came into question soruya geldi
is called into question soruya çağrılır
being called into question soruya çağrılmak
bringing into question soruya getirmek
putting into question soruya koymak
without calling into question soru sormadan
has been called into question soruya çağrıldı
be called into question soruya çağrılmak
thrown into question soruya atılmış
throw into question soruya atmak
have been called into question soruya çağrıldı
coming into question soruya gelmek
have called into question soruyu aradım
was called into question soruya çağrıldı
called into a question bir soruya denilen
have come into question soruya gelmiş
could be called into question soruya çağrılabilir
will call into question sorgulanacak
be brought into question sorguya çekilmek
is calling into question soruya çağırıyor
may call into question soru sorabilir
put into question whether sorusu sormak
are called into question soruya çağrılır
is not called into question soruya çağrılmaz
call into a question bir soruya cevap vermek