puts into question

puts into question teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
puts into question soruya koyar

puts into question terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

it puts the question soruyu koyar
puts into perspective perspektif içine koyar
puts into effect yürürlüğe koyar
puts into context bağlam içine koyar
puts into practice uygulamaya koyar
puts money into içine para koyar
puts things into perspective işleri perspektife koyar
puts into action eyleme geçirir
puts into operation faaliyete geçirir
puts extra funding into ilave fon sağladı
puts into print basar
puts into liquidation tasfiye koyar
puts the computer into sleep mode bilgisayarı uyku moduna geçirir
puts that into words bunu kelimelerin içine sokuyor
puts life into hayatı koyar
puts into word kelime koyar
puts it into action eyleme sokar
more effort and energy a child puts into learning bir çocuğun öğrenmeye harcadığı daha fazla çaba ve enerji
puts funds into fonları içine koyar
puts his heart into kalbine koyar
into question sorguya girmek
call into question soruya cevap vermek
called into question sorgulandı
put into question sorguya koymak
calls into question soruya çağrılar
come into question soruya gelmek
calling into question soruya çağırmak
bring into question soruya getirmek
brought into question soruya getirildi
brings into question soruya getiriyor
comes into question soruya geliyor
came into question soruya geldi
is called into question soruya çağrılır
being called into question soruya çağrılmak
bringing into question soruya getirmek
putting into question soruya koymak
without calling into question soru sormadan
has been called into question soruya çağrıldı
be called into question soruya çağrılmak
it calls into question soruya çağırıyor
thrown into question soruya atılmış
throw into question soruya atmak
have been called into question soruya çağrıldı
coming into question soruya gelmek
have called into question soruyu aradım
was called into question soruya çağrıldı
called into a question bir soruya denilen
have come into question soruya gelmiş
could be called into question soruya çağrılabilir
will call into question sorgulanacak