tissue induration

tissue induration teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
tissue induration doku uyarımı

tissue induration terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

brown induration of the lung akciğerin kahverengi hali
cyanotic induration siyanotik doygunluk
fibroid induration fibroid indüksiyonu
induration sertleşme
red induration kırmızı renk
gray induration gri renk
skin induration cilt sertliği
induration furnace endürasyon fırını
tissue-tissue doku doku
adenoid tissue adenoid doku
adipose tissue yağ dokusu
areolar tissue areolar dokusu
bath tissue banyo dokusu
cancellous tissue süngerimsi doku
carbon tissue karbon dokusu
carbon-tissue karbon doku
chondroid tissue kondroid dokusu
chromaffin tissue kromaffin dokusu
cicatricial tissue sikatrisyel doku
cleansing tissue temizlik dokusu
conducting tissue doku iletimi
connective tissue bağ dokusu
connective-tissue disease bağ dokusu hastalığı
elastic tissue elastik doku
erectile tissue erektil doku
facial tissue yüz dokusu
fetal tissue transplant fetal doku nakli
fibrous tissue lifli doku
indifferent tissue kayıtsız doku
interstitial tissue interstisyel doku
lymphatic tissue lenfatik doku
lymphoid tissue lenfoid doku
mixed connective-tissue disease karma bağ dokusu hastalığı
mucous connective tissue mukoza bağ dokusu
myeloid tissue miyeloid doku
nerve tissue sinir dokusu
platelet tissue factor trombosit doku faktörü
primary tissue birincil doku
provascular tissue provasküler doku
reticular tissue retiküler doku
retiform tissue retiform doku
scar tissue yara dokusu
secondary tissue ikincil doku
soft tissue yumuşak doku
subcutaneous tissue deri altı doku
tissue doku
tissue culture doku kültürü
tissue lymph doku lenfleri
tissue paper tuvalet kağıdı
tissue plasminogen activator doku plazminojen aktivatörü