did not call into question

did not call into question teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
did not call into question sorgulamadı

did not call into question terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

call into question soruya cevap vermek
will call into question sorgulanacak
may call into question soru sorabilir
call into a question bir soruya cevap vermek
could call into question soruya cevap verebilir
would call into question soru sorardım
i would call that into question. bunu soruya çağırırdım.
does call into question soruya çağrı yapar
the question did not arise soru ortaya çıkmadı
did not question sorgulamadı
i did not understand your question sorunuzu anlamadım
did or did not occur oldu veya olmadı
did not call back geri aramadı
did not call for için aramadı
is not called into question soruya çağrılmaz
has not called into question sorgulamadı
not called into question soruya çağrılmadı
did not translate into çevirmedi
did not take into consideration dikkate almadı
did not translate necessarily into zorunlu olarak tercüme etmedim
we did not take into account dikkate almadık
did not go into details ayrıntılara girmedi
did this answer your question senin soruna cevap verdi mi
call in question söz konusu çağrı
call the question soruyu ara
any question please call us herhangi bir sorunuz lütfen bizi arayın
call and question witness görüşme ve tanık sorgulama
the right to call and question witnesses tanıkları arama ve sorgulama hakkı
call me with any question you might have herhangi bir sorunuzla beni arayın
i call the question soruyu ararım
did what they did yaptıklarını yaptı
did you just call me az önce beni aradın mı
why did you call me neden beni aradın
did call aradı
did call for the overthrow yıkılma çağrısı yaptı
did i call him onu aradım mı
call-by-call call-çağrı tarafından
call-by-call basis çağrı bazında arama
into question sorguya girmek
called into question sorgulandı
put into question sorguya koymak
calls into question soruya çağrılar
come into question soruya gelmek
calling into question soruya çağırmak
bring into question soruya getirmek
brought into question soruya getirildi
brings into question soruya getiriyor
puts into question soruya koyar
comes into question soruya geliyor
came into question soruya geldi