constitutional drafters

constitutional drafters teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
constitutional drafters anayasal taslaklar

constitutional drafters terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

legal drafters yasal taslaklar
drafters of the convention kongre taslağı
drafters of the statute tüzüğün taslakları
drafters of the law yasanın taslağı
drafters of the legislation mevzuat taslağı hazırlayanlar
l drafters l taslaklar
intention of the drafters taslakların niyeti
drafters view taslaklar görünümü
constitutional anayasal
constitutional convention anayasal kongre
constitutional democratic party anayasal demokratik parti
constitutional disease anayasal hastalık
constitutional law anayasa hukuku
constitutional monarchy anayasal monarşi
constitutional psychology anayasal psikoloji
constitutional reaction anayasal reaksiyon
constitutional strike anayasal grev
constitutional symptom anayasal belirti
constitutional union party anayasa birliği partisi
extra-constitutional ekstra anayasal
quasi-constitutional yarı anayasal
constitutional court anayasa mahkemesi
constitutional documents anayasal belgeler
constitutional amendment anayasa değişikliği
constitutional symptoms anayasal semptomlar
constitutional challenge anayasal zorluk
constitutional provision anayasal hüküm
constitutional rights anayasal haklar
constitutional review anayasal inceleme
constitutional rules anayasal kurallar
constitutional complaint anayasal şikayet
constitutional grounds anayasal zemin
department for constitutional affairs anayasa departmanı
constitutional issues anayasal konular
constitutional arrangements anayasal düzenlemeler
constitutional reform anayasa reformu
constitutional guarantees anayasal teminatlar
constitutional scholar anayasal bilgin
constitutional court ruling anayasa mahkemesi kararı
constitutional protection anayasal koruma
constitutional status anayasal statü
constitutional act anayasal kanun
constitutional body anayasal organ
constitutional council anayasa konseyi
constitutional procedures anayasal prosedürler
constitutional mandate anayasal görev
constitutional settlement anayasal çözüm
secretary of state for constitutional affairs anayasa işleri bakanı
constitutional assembly anayasa meclisi
constitutional democracy anayasal demokrasi