anayasal kongre

anayasal kongre teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
anayasal kongre constitutional convention

anayasal kongre terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

uluslararası kongre ve kongre derneği international congress and convention association
kongre kütüphanesinin kongre araştırma servisi congressional research service of the library of congress
anayasal constitutional
anayasal demokratik parti constitutional democratic party
anayasal hastalık constitutional disease
anayasal monarşi constitutional monarchy
anayasal psikoloji constitutional psychology
anayasal reaksiyon constitutional reaction
anayasal grev constitutional strike
anayasal belirti constitutional symptom
anayasal constitutionally
ekstra anayasal extra-constitutional
yarı anayasal quasi-constitutional
anayasal belgeler constitutional documents
anayasal semptomlar constitutional symptoms
anayasal zorluk constitutional challenge
anayasal hüküm constitutional provision
anayasal haklar constitutional rights
anayasal inceleme constitutional review
anayasal kurallar constitutional rules
anayasal şikayet constitutional complaint
anayasal zemin constitutional grounds
anayasal konular constitutional issues
anayasal düzenlemeler constitutional arrangements
anayasal teminatlar constitutional guarantees
anayasal bilgin constitutional scholar
anayasal koruma constitutional protection
anayasal statü constitutional status
anayasal kanun constitutional act
anayasal organ constitutional body
anayasal prosedürler constitutional procedures
anayasal görev constitutional mandate
anayasal çözüm constitutional settlement
anayasal demokrasi constitutional democracy
anayasal temyiz constitutional appeal
anayasal tüzük constitutional charter
anayasal meseleler constitutional matters
anayasal iddia constitutional claim
anayasal görevler constitutional duties
anayasal olarak zorunlu constitutionally mandated
anayasal sistem constitutional system
anayasal şartlar constitutional requirements
anayasal anlaşma constitutional treaty
anayasal zorunluluk constitutional imperative
anayasal yargılama constitutional adjudication
anayasal olarak gerekli constitutionally required
anayasal çerçeve constitutional framework
anayasal dava constitutional litigation
anayasal gelenek constitutional tradition
anayasal süreç constitutional process