there has been criticism

there has been criticism teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
there has been criticism eleştiri var

there has been criticism terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

there has been a lot of criticism çok eleştiri var
there has been some criticism bazı eleştiriler oldu
there had been some criticism bazı eleştiriler olmuştu
has been subject to criticism eleştiriye maruz kaldı
some criticism has been bazı eleştiriler olmuştur
criticism that has been levelled seviyelendirilmiş eleştiri
there was criticism from eleştirildi
there was criticism eleştiri vardı
there was no criticism eleştiri yoktu
there is a lot of criticism çok fazla eleştiri var
there is criticism eleştiri var
there was much criticism çok eleştiri vardı
there is widespread criticism yaygın bir eleştiri var
criticism have been voiced eleştiri dile getirildi
criticism is been going eleştiri devam ediyor
criticism have been raised eleştiri yükseltildi
has drawn criticism eleştiri aldı
has come under criticism eleştiriye uğradı
has considerable criticism önemli eleştirisi var
criticism has emerged eleştiri ortaya çıktı
has faced criticism eleştiriye maruz kaldı
has received a lot of criticism çok eleştiri aldı
there has been oldu
has there been oldu mu
there has not been olmadı
there has been an increase bir artış oldu
there has always been her zaman olmuştur
there has been a misunderstanding bir yanlış anlaşılma oldu
there has been a change bir değişiklik oldu
there has never been a better time daha iyi bir zaman hiç olmadı
there has also been ayrıca oldu
there has never been hiç olmadı
has there ever been hiç oldu mu
if there has been eğer olsaydı
there has been a mistake bir yanlışlık oldu
there has long been uzun zaman oldu
there has been concern endişe var
there has been an error bir hata oldu
there has been a rise bir yükseliş oldu
there has been talk konuşma yapıldı
there has been much debate çok tartışma oldu
there has been a shift bir değişim oldu
there has been a decline bir düşüş oldu
that there has been varmış
recently there has been son zamanlarda oldu
has there been any hiç oldu mu
there has been much discussion çok tartışma oldu
there has been a problem bir sorun oldu
there has been some confusion bazı karışıklıklar oldu
there has been some controversy bazı tartışmalar oldu