muhalif hizipler

muhalif hizipler teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
muhalif hizipler opposing factions

muhalif hizipler terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

rakip hizipler rival factions
silahlı hizipler armed factions
rakip hizipler competing factions
farklı siyasi hizipler different political factions
tartışmalı hizipler disputing factions
ideolojik hizipler ideological factions
içindeki hizipler factions within
güçlü hizipler powerful factions
rekabet eden siyasi hizipler competing political factions
kamboçyalı hizipler cambodian factions
hizipler arasındaki çatışma confrontation between factions
rakip silahlı hizipler competing armed factions
muhafazakar hizipler conservative factions
iç hizipler internal factions
elit hizipler elite factions
bazı hizipler some factions
yarışan hizipler contending factions
askeri hizipler military factions
filistinli hizipler palestinian factions
muhalif antagonistic
muhalif contrarian
muhalif disaffected
muhalif oldu dissented
muhalif dissenter
muhalif dissentient
muhalif dissenting
muhalif görüş dissenting opinion
muhalif dissident
muhalif opposer
muhalif oppositional
muhalif bozukluk oppositional disorder
muhalif oppositionist
muhalif avukat opposing counsel
muhalif meydan okuyan bozukluk oppositional defiant disorder
muhalif taraflar opposing parties
muhalif davranış oppositional behavior
kısmen muhalif dissenting in part
muhalif sesler dissenting voices
muhalif karar dissenting judgment
muhalif oy dissenting vote
muhalif avukat opposing attorney
muhalif güçler opposition forces
muhalif olmak dissent from
muhalif konsey opposing council
muhalif görüşler dissenting views
muhalif gruplar opposition groups
muhalif çıkarlar opposing interests
muhalif olmak be conversant with
muhalif hissedarlar dissenting shareholders
muhalif kamplar opposing camps