asit tamponu

asit tamponu teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
asit tamponu acid buffer

asit tamponu terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

sitrik asit tamponu citric acid buffer
asit sitrik asit acidifier citric acid
eikosapentaenoik asit ve dokosahekssaenoik asit eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid
amino asit ve organik asit metabolizması amino acid and organic acid metabolism
amino asit glutamik asit amino acid glutamic acid
salisilik asit ve laktik asit salicylic acid and lactic acid
sitrik asit, tartarik asit citric acid, tartaric acid
06 01 01 * sülfürik asit ve sülfürik asit 06 01 01* sulphuric acid and sulphurous acid
kapı tamponu doorstop
fosfat tamponu phosphate buffer
sermaye tamponu capital buffer
tırnak tamponu nail buffer
asetat tamponu acetate buffer
yıkama tamponu wash buffer
ph tamponu ph buffer
lizis tamponu lysis buffer
çerçeve tamponu frame buffer
araba tamponu car bumper
likidite tamponu liquidity buffer
halka tamponu ring buffer
sermaye koruma tamponu capital conservation buffer
sitrat tamponu citrate buffer
elüsyon tamponu elution buffer
ekstraksiyon tamponu extraction buffer
tahlil tamponu assay buffer
durdurma tamponu stop buffer
örnek tamponu sample buffer
seyreltme tamponu dilution buffer
dudak tamponu lip bumper
nakit tamponu cash buffer
hafıza tamponu memory buffer
kat tamponu floor buffer
nehir kenarı tamponu riparian buffer
karşılıklı sermaye tamponu countercyclical capital buffer
engelleme tamponu blocking buffer
rıhtım tamponu dock bumper
gaz tamponu gas buffer
alarm tamponu alarm buffer
yükleme tamponu loading buffer
enerji tamponu energy buffer
güvenlik tamponu safety buffer
yağ tamponu oil buffer
güç tamponu power buffer
hava tamponu air buffer
koruma tamponu conservation buffer
yıkama tamponu washing buffer
dengeleme tamponu equilibration buffer
kapı tamponu door bumper
teşhis tamponu diagnostic buffer
reaksiyon tamponu reaction buffer