faiz getiren banka hesabı

faiz getiren banka hesabı teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
faiz getiren banka hesabı interest bearing bank account

faiz getiren banka hesabı terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

faiz getiren tasarruf hesabı interest bearing savings account
faiz getiren banka kredileri interest-bearing bank loans
faiz getiren banka mevduatı interest-earning bank deposit
banka veya banka hesabı oluşturma bank or building society account
faiz getiren interest bearing
faiz getiren borçlar interest bearing liabilities
faiz getiren varlıklar interest bearing assets
faiz getiren mevduat interest-bearing deposits
faiz getiren menkul kıymetler interest bearing securities
faiz getiren tahviller interest-bearing bonds
faiz getiren yatırımlar interest bearing investments
cari olmayan faiz getiren krediler ve borçlanmalar non-current interest-bearing loans and borrowings
faiz getiren bir hesap an interest bearing account
toplam faiz getiren borçlar total interest bearing liabilities
ortalama faiz getiren varlıklar average interest-earning assets
cari olmayan faiz getiren krediler non-current interest-bearing loans
mevcut faiz getiren krediler ve borçlanmalar current interest-bearing loans and borrowings
faiz getiren finansal varlıklar interest bearing financial assets
faiz getiren net borç interest-bearing net debt
faiz getiren interest yielding
faiz getiren finansal araçlar interest-bearing financial instruments
faiz getiren varlıklar ve borçlar interest-bearing assets and liabilities
faiz getiren işlem interest-bearing transaction
daimi faiz getiren hisse senetleri permanent interest bearing shares
faiz getiren emanet interest-bearing escrow
faiz getiren sermaye interest bearing capital
güncel faiz getiren current interest-bearing
faiz getiren varlık varlıklarının başkaları tarafından kullanılması the use by others of entity assets yielding interest
faiz getiren borçlar liabilities that bear interest
postane hesabı hesabı post office giro account
faiz hesabı interest bearing account
faiz kontrolü hesabı interest checking account
faiz hesabı interest account
faiz kontrol hesabı interest bearing checking account
faiz mevduat hesabı interest deposit account
faiz emanet hesabı interest bearing escrow account
faiz kazanç tasarrufu hesabı interest-earning savings account
faiz bankası hesabı interest bank account
ortak faiz hesabı joint interest bearing account
faiz tasarruf hesabı interest savings account
yüksek faiz tasarrufu hesabı high interest savings account
faiz cari hesabı interest current account
ticari faiz hesabı business interest account
ayrı faiz hesabı separate interest bearing account
banka hesabı bank account
banka hesabı numarası bank account number
banka hesabı detayları bank account details
banka hesabı account bank
banka hesabı sahibi bank account holder
aday banka hesabı nominated bank account