muazzam taahhüt

muazzam taahhüt teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
muazzam taahhüt tremendous commitment

muazzam taahhüt terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

muazzam taahhüt enormous commitment
muazzam taahhüt ve the tremendous commitment and
taahhüt ve taahhüt engagement and commitment
taahhüt taahhüt underwriting commitment
taahhüt veya taahhüt undertaking or commitment
taahhüt taahhüt commitment engagement
taahhüt taahhüt financing committed
taahhüt ve taahhüt edilmemiş committed and uncommitted
taahhüt taahhüt acknowledge commitment
taahhüt taahhüt admitted committing
taahhüt etmeyi taahhüt etti has committed to undertake
taahhüt ve taahhüt undertaken and committed
taahhüt etmek ve taahhüt etmek commit and undertake
taahhüt ettiğimiz taahhüt the commitment we have undertaken
taahhüt taahhüt disbursement committed
muazzam enormous
muazzam magnific
muazzam magnifical
muazzam stupendous
muazzam tremendous
muazzam vast
muazzam iyi mighty fine
muazzam varlık tremendous asset
muazzam hacim vast bulk
muazzam miktar tremendous amount
muazzam potansiyel tremendous potential
muazzam büyüme tremendous growth
muazzam değer tremendous value
muazzam başarı tremendous success
muazzam ilerleme tremendous progress
muazzam düzlükler vast plains
muazzam potansiyel enormous potential
muazzam fırsat tremendous opportunity
muazzam miktar enormous amount
muazzam güç tremendous power
muazzam çaba tremendous effort
muazzam etki enormous impact
muazzam basınç tremendous pressure
muazzam çaba enormous effort
muazzam çeşitlilik enormous range
muazzam yüksek enormous high
muazzam zorluk enormous challenge
muazzam gerilme enormous strain
muazzam maliyetler enormous costs
muazzam görev enormous task
muazzam zorlanma tremendous strain
muazzam gün glorious day
muazzam başarı enormous success
muazzam kaynak tremendous resource
muazzam ölçek enormous scale