ordu yenildi

ordu yenildi teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
ordu yenildi the army was defeated

ordu yenildi terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

kim yenildi ve kim yenildi who's up and who's down
yenildi got over
yenildi won over
yenildi is defeated
yenildi won out over
kolayca yenildi easily defeated
yenildi triumphed over
sistem yenildi system defeated
hareket yenildi motion was defeated
zemin yenildi ground is defeated
yenildi has gotten over
fatura yenildi the bill was defeated
yasa yenildi law defeated
hareket yenildi motion is defeated
başarıyla yenildi successfully defeated
yenildi has been eaten away
rakiplere yenildi lost to competitors
kıtlığa yenildi bequeathed to posterity
o yenildi he was defeated
senatoda yenildi was defeated in the senate
oy yenildi the vote was defeated
uzakta yenildi was eaten away
yenildi is unbeaten
ona yenildi bequeathed to her
silahlı çatışmalara yenildi lost to armed conflict
yenildi is beaten down
başkanlığa yenildi lost to president
onun partisi yenildi his party defeated
gol atıldı ve yenildi goals scored and conceded
o yenildi she was defeated
teklif yenildi the proposal is defeated
teklif yenildi proposal was defeated
genellikle yenildi was usually eaten
selâmetle yenildi was soundly defeated
yenildi had gotten over
sistem yenildi system was defeated
hepsi yenildi was all but defeated
rekabete yenildi was lost to competition
bir ordu karnına yürüyor an army marches on its stomach
ordu army
ordu hava kuvvetleri army air forces
ordu karınca army ant
ordu veleti army brat
ordu birlikleri army corps
ordu kurdu army cutworm
ordu grubu army group
ordu listesi army list
ordu kurdu army worm
ordu donanma mağazası army-navy store
mavi ordu blue army