senaryoya gelince

senaryoya gelince teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
senaryoya gelince as for scenario

senaryoya gelince terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

senaryoya dayalı yaklaşım scenario-based approach
bu senaryoya karşı against this scenario
çevresel senaryoya katkıda bulunmak contributing environmental scenario
senaryoya sıkışmış stuck to the script
senaryoya genel bakış scenario overview
senaryoya dayalı planlama scenario based planning
senaryoya bağlı olarak depending on the scenario
senaryoya göre according to the scenario
senaryoya into a screenplay
bu senaryoya hazırlanın prepare for this scenario
senaryoya örülmüş woven into the script
senaryoya geçer switches to scenario
bu senaryoya bakarken when facing this scenario
çalışan maruziyetini kontrol eden senaryoya katkıda bulunmak contributing scenario controlling worker exposure for
senaryoya yol açmak lead to a scenario
senaryoya bak look at the script
senaryoya göre by the scenario
senaryoya dayalı eğitim dahil including scenario-based training
senaryoya katkıda bulundun mu? did you contribute to the script?
senaryoya uymak fit into the scenario
gelince as for
gelince when it comes to
zamanı gelince in due time
zamanı gelince when the time comes
olup olmadığına gelince as to whether or not
bize gelince as for us
kendime gelince as for myself
ve gelince and as for
sıkıntıya gelince when it comes to the crunch
geleceğe gelince as for the future
masraflara gelince as to costs
neye gelince as for what
makaleye gelince as to article
gelince as for our
meselelere gelince as to matters
arsa gelince as for plot
yemek gelince when it comes to food
sorunuza gelince as for your question
seçmeye gelince when it comes to choosing
zamanı gelince when it comes time to
ama gelince but as for
bir şirkete gelince with regards to a company
doğruluğuna gelince as to its accuracy
paraya gelince when it comes to money
gelince when it comes to making
buna gelince when it comes to this
zamanlama gelince as for timing
doğaya gelince as to the nature
öğrenmeye gelince when it comes to learning
elde edilecek sonuca gelince as to the result to be achieved