rekabete aykırı davranış, yasal güven

rekabete aykırı davranış, yasal güven teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
rekabete aykırı davranış, yasal güven legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust,

rekabete aykırı davranış, yasal güven terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

haksız rekabete aykırı davranmak act against unfair competition
rekabete aykırı olmak defect to the competition
anayasaya aykırı davranış action of unconstitutionality
yasaya aykırı davranış solicitation against the law
uluslararası hukuka aykırı davranış internationally unlawful act
yasal görevine aykırı olarak in violation of his lawful duty
yasal ve yasalara aykırı rezervler ve ödeme to the legal and bylawmandated reserves and paying
rekabete dayalı competence-based
rekabete girmek enter into competition
rekabete duyarlı competition sensitive
rekabete karşı against competition
rekabete ayak uydurmak keep up with the competition
rekabete açmak open up to competition
rekabete kapalı closed to competition
rekabete göre avantaj advantage over the competition
rekabete zarar vermek harm to competition
rekabete ayak uydurmak a leg up on the competition
rekabete girmek engaging in competition
rekabete karşı korumalı shielded from competition
rekabete hükmetmek dominate the competition
rekabete göre by competition
rekabete kıyasla compared to the competition
rekabete ayak uydurmak leg up on the competition
rekabete dayanmak withstand competition
rekabete açmak opening to competition
rekabete dayanmak stack up against the competition
rekabete dönüş return to competition
rekabete meydan okumak challenge the competition
rekabete dayalı based on competition
haksız rekabete karşı alman yasa german act against unfair competition
rekabete giriş entry into competition
rekabete kıyasla in comparison to the competition
rekabete öncülük etmek lead the competition
rekabete girmek entering competition
rekabete karşı gelmek come up against competition
rekabete bakın see competition
rekabete güvenme reliance on competition
rekabete maruz kalma exposed to competition
rekabete zarar vermek hurt competition
rekabete karşı kazan win against the competition
rekabete açık vulnerable to competition
rekabete karşı militan militate against competition
rekabete ayak uydurabilir can keep up with the competition
rekabete koymak put in competition
haksız rekabete yol açan leading to unfair competition
sıkı rekabete karşı against stiff competition
rekabete döner returns to competition
ile rekabete girmek going into competition with
çok rekabete to much competition
rekabete dayanmak stand up to the competition