hemorajik nefrit

hemorajik nefrit teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
hemorajik nefrit hemorrhagic nephritis

hemorajik nefrit terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

interstisyel nefrit interstitial nephritis
mesangial nefrit mesangial nephritis
nefrit nephritis
tuz kaybeden nefrit salt-losing nephritis
süpüratif nefrit suppurative nephritis
tubulointerstisyel nefrit tubulointerstitial nephritis
glomerüler nefrit glomerular nephritis
akut interstisyel nefrit acute interstitial nephritis
nefrit kolik nephritic colic
akut nefrit acute nephritis
nefrit interstisyel nephritis interstitial
kalıtsal nefrit hereditary nephritis
nefrit faktörü nephritic factor
alerjik nefrit allergic nephritis
akut hemorajik konjonktivit acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
akut hemorajik pankreatit acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
salgın hemorajik ateş epidemic hemorrhagic fever
hemorajik hemorrhagenic
hemorajik hemorrhagic
hemorajik asitler hemorrhagic ascites
hemorajik kolit hemorrhagic colitis
hemorajik kist hemorrhagic cyst
yenidoğanın hemorajik hastalığı hemorrhagic disease of newborn
hemorajik endovaskülit hemorrhagic endovasculitis
hemorajik ateş hemorrhagic fever
renal sendromlu hemorajik ateş hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
hemorajik enfarktüs hemorrhagic infarct
hemorajik veba hemorrhagic plague
hemorajik raşitizm hemorrhagic rickets
hemorajik septisemi hemorrhagic septicemia
hemorajik şok hemorrhagic shock
kalıtsal hemorajik telanjiektazi hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
hemorajik inme hemorrhagic stroke
hemorajik inme haemorrhagic stroke
viral hemorajik ateş viral hemorrhagic fever
hemorajik sistit hemorrhagic cystitis
ebola hemorajik ateş ebola hemorrhagic fever
hemorajik şok haemorrhagic shock
epizootik hemorajik hastalık epizootic haemorrhagic disease
hemorajik hastalık hemorrhagic disease
hemorajik enterit hemorrhagic enteritis
hemorajik ateşler haemorrhagic fevers
epizootik hemorajik hastalık epizootic hemorrhagic disease
tavşan hemorajik hastalığı rabbit haemorrhagic disease
hemorajik sendrom hemorrhagic syndrome
hemorajik septisemi haemorrhagic septicaemia
hemorajik olay hemorrhagic event
hemorajik bozukluklar hemorrhagic disorders
hemorajik telanjiektazi hemorrhagic telangiectasia
dang hemorajik dengue hemorrhagic