kömür, petrol, doğal gaz

kömür, petrol, doğal gaz teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
kömür, petrol, doğal gaz coal, oil, natural gas

kömür, petrol, doğal gaz terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

kömür, petrol ve doğal gaz coal, oil and natural gas
petrol, gaz ve kömür oil, gas and coal
petrol, gaz, kömür, oil, gas, coal,
fosil yakıtlar, petrol, gaz, kömür fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal
kömür, gaz ve petrol coal, gas and oil
hem kömür hem de doğal gaz both coal and natural gas
gaz, yağ, buhar, petrol veya gaz malzemeler gas, oil, steam, petroleum or gaseous materials
petrol ve doğal gaz oil and natural gas
petrol ve doğal gaz girişi oil and gas upstream
eyaletlerarası petrol ve doğal gaz komisyonu interstate oil and gas compact commission
petrol ve doğal gaz endüstrisi oil and natural gas industry
petrol, petrokimya ve doğal gaz endüstrileri petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries
petrol ve doğal gaz ilgi alanları oil and natural gas interests
petrol ve doğal gaz bakanlığı ministry of petroleum and natural gas
petrol ve doğal gaz operasyonları oil and natural gas operations
petrol ve doğal gaz ekonomisi oil and natural gas economy
petrol ve doğal gaz üreticileri oil and natural gas producers
doğal gaz ve petrol boru hatları natural gas and oil pipelines
ulusal petrol, doğal gaz ve biyoyakıt ajansı national agency of petroleum, natural gas and biofuels
doğal gaz ve petrol natural gas and petroleum
petrol ve doğal gaz inşaat yapımı oil and gas civil construction
petrol ve doğal gaz şirketi oil and natural gas company
petrol ve doğal gaz boru hattı projeleri oil and gas pipeline projects
petrol ve doğal gaz kaynakları oil and natural gas resources
ham petrol ve doğal gaz crude petroleum and natural gas
kömür, kömür coal, charcoal
petrol ve kömür oil and coal
petrol veya kömür oil or coal
kömür ve petrol coal and petroleum
gaz ve kömür gas and coal
gaz ve kömür gas and charcoal
gaz ve kömür yakıtlı gas and coal fired
kömür ve gaz enerji santrali coal and gas power plant
doğal kömür natural charcoal
% 100 doğal kömür 100% natural charcoal
petrol ve petrol oil and petroleum
petrol petrol oil petroleum
ham petrol ve petrol ürünleri crude oil and petroleum products
petrol ve petrol ürünleri oil and petroleum products
petrol ve petrol arıtımı oil and petroleum refining
petrol veya petrol oil or petroleum
başlıca petrol şirketleri ve yabancı petrol şirketlerinin kıdemli danışmanı senior advisor to major us and foreign oil companies
ham petrol, petrol ürünleri crude oil, oil products
ham petrol veya petrol ürünleri crude oil or oil products
petrol, petrol demektir oil means petroleum
petrol ve diğer petrol ürünleri oil and other petroleum products
ham petrol ve petrol crude oil and petroleum
petrol ve gaz endüstrisi oil and gas industry
petrol ve gaz şirketi oil and gas company
petrol ve gaz sektörü oil and gas sector