onlar itildi

onlar itildi teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
onlar itildi they were thrust

onlar itildi terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

itildi was pushed
itildi were pushed
itildi has been pushed
itildi been pushed
itildi have been pushed
itildi has been thrust
geri itildi has been pushed back
pazarın dışına itildi pushed out of the market
dışarı itildi propelled out
itildi got pushed
etrafında itildi was pushed around
itildi was pushed through
aşağı itildi propelled down
geri itildi was pushed back
birlikte itildi was pushed together
tamamen itildi is fully pushed
o itildi he was pushed
itildi has been pushed out of
doğru itildi were pushed towards
itildi was pushed from
ileri itildi been pushed forward
kenara itildi have been pushed aside
itildi have been thrust
onlar onlar they are the ones
onlar sadece onlar they are the only ones
onlar onlar rather they are
onlar onlar they are those
onlar sadece onlar they're the only ones
onlar they
onlar & # x27; ll they'll
onlar & # x27; re they're
onlar & # x27; ettik they've
düşmanla tanıştık ve onlar bizim we have met the enemy, and they are ours
düşmanla tanıştık ve onlar biziz we have met the enemy, and they are us
onlar they are
onlar they were
onlar gibi as they
onlar sahip they have
onlar vardı they had
onlar olsun whether they are
onlar those are
onlar gibi as those
onlar olmuştur they have been
onlar & # 039; re they're
onlar söylüyor they say
onlar tarafından by them
onlar üzerinde on them
onlar hoşlanıyor they like
onlar farkındalar they are aware
onlar daha muhtemeldir they are more likely to