ayrıca iki kat daha muhtemeldi

ayrıca iki kat daha muhtemeldi teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
ayrıca iki kat daha muhtemeldi were also twice as likely

ayrıca iki kat daha muhtemeldi terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

ayrıca daha muhtemeldi were also more likely
daha az muhtemeldi were less likely
daha muhtemeldi was more likely
önemli derecede daha muhtemeldi were significantly more likely
düşünmek daha muhtemeldi were more likely to think
çok daha muhtemeldi were much more likely
rapor etmesi daha muhtemeldi were more likely to report
olmamaktan daha muhtemeldi was more likely than not
çok daha muhtemeldi was far more likely
daha az muhtemeldi was less likely
kadınlar daha az muhtemeldi women were less likely
% 40 daha muhtemeldi were 40% more likely
gerçekleşmesi daha muhtemeldi was more likely to occur
% 50 daha az muhtemeldi were 50% less likely
kadınlar daha muhtemeldi women were more likely
erkekler çok daha muhtemeldi men were significantly more likely
daha küçük olması muhtemeldi were likely to be smaller
muhtemeldi were likely to
bu muhtemeldi it was likely that
olması muhtemeldi was likely to have
en azından muhtemeldi were least likely
söylemesi muhtemeldi was likely to say
olması muhtemeldi there was likely to be
olması muhtemeldi was likely to become
mevcut olması muhtemeldi was likely to be present
düşmesi muhtemeldi were likely to drop
artması muhtemeldi were likely to increase
eşit derecede muhtemeldi were equally likely
kabul etmesi muhtemeldi was likely to accept
devam etmesi muhtemeldi was likely to continue
üst kat ve alt kat upstairs and downstairs
kat kat coat layer
üst kat alt kat upstairs downstairs
kat kat ödüllendirici doubly rewarding
kat kat ply layer
2,2 kat ila 2,2 kat artış 1.6-fold to 2.2-fold increase
baz kat ve üst kat base coat and top coat
kat kat zaman floor to floor time
kat (kat) ply (p)
10 kat 10 kat 10times 10-fold
kat kat fold multiple
zemin kat ve birinci kat üzerine dağılmış distributed over ground floor and first floor
bir bodrum kat, zemin kat a basement, a ground floor
zemin kat, birinci kat ve çatı katı ground floor, first floor and attic
bin kat bin kat a thousand times a thousandfold
iki kat daha yüksek twice as high
iki kat daha hızlı twice as fast
iki kat daha sık twice as often
iki kat daha two times more
iki kat daha iyi twice as good