performans raporu

performans raporu teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
performans raporu performance report

performans raporu terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

yıllık performans raporu annual performance report
ürün performans raporu product performance report
performans değerlendirme raporu performance appraisal report
performans değerlendirme raporu performance evaluation report
performans izleme raporu performance monitoring report
enerji performans raporu energy performance report
sosyal performans raporu social performance report
yüklenici performans raporu contractor performance report
bütçe performans raporu budget performance report
performans denetim raporu performance audit report
performans istatistikleri raporu performance statistics report
sürdürülebilirlik performans raporu sustainability performance report
tedarikçi performans raporu supplier performance report
finansal performans raporu report on financial performance
üç aylık performans raporu quarterly performance report
geçmiş performans gelecekteki performans için bir rehber değildir past performance is not a guide to future performance
temel bir performans dışı performans amounts to a fundamental non-performance
aşırı performans veya düşük performans over-performing or under-performing
tarak raporu denting
jüri raporu presentment
sosyal soruşturma raporu social inquiry report
tek tip suç raporu uniform crime report
wolfenden raporu wolfenden report
ilerleme raporu progress report
özet raporu summary report
test raporu test report
vaka raporu case report
durum raporu status report
kredi raporu credit report
denetim raporu audit report
haber raporu news report
araştırma raporu research report
araştırma raporu survey report
durum raporu formu case report form
değerlendirme raporu assessment report
sağlık raporu medical report
gider raporu expense report
başlangıç raporu inception report
yönetim raporu management report
uzman raporu expert report
anlatı raporu narrative report
olay raporu incident report
denetim raporu inspection report
flaş raporu flash report
iş raporu business report
hata raporu bug report
görev raporu report for duty
kitap raporu book report
araç geçmişi raporu vehicle history report
vergi raporu tax report