hayat seli

hayat seli teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
hayat seli a flood of life

hayat seli terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

gözyaşı seli floods of tears
geri seli gel come flooding back
gözyaşı seli flood of tears
yağ seli oil flooded
veri seli flood of data
patlama seli outburst floods
ilkbahar seli spring flood
bilgi seli flood of information
insan seli flood of people
muson seli monsoon floods
ışık seli flood of light
polimer seli polymer flooding
gözyaşı seli a flood of tears
sermaye seli flood of capital
pazar seli flood a market
bir göçmen seli a flood of immigrants
geniş ışık seli wide flood light
yangın seli fire flooding
muson seli monsoon flooding
para seli flood of money
sermaye seli capital flooding
yaz seli summer floods
pazar seli market flooding
lağım seli sewer flooding
polimer seli polymer flood
ping seli ping flood
azot seli nitrogen flooding
duygu seli flood of emotion
bir bilgi seli a flood of information
kanalizasyon seli sewage flooding
udp seli udp flood
yüzyılın seli flood of the century
yol seli road flooding
harfler seli flood of letters
deprem seli earthquake flood
yatırım seli flood of investment
yağmur seli rain flooding
noah seli flood of noah
ilkbahar seli spring flooding
görüntü seli flood of images
turist seli a flood of tourists
akkor r40 seli incandescent r40-flood
e-posta seli flood of emails
sahne seli stage flooding
soru seli flood of questions
şirketler seli flood of companies
içerik seli flood of content
ilkbahar seli sırasında during spring flooding
yabancı sermaye seli flood of foreign capital
oluklar seli flood of graces