soru şuydu

soru şuydu teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
soru şuydu the question was whether

soru şuydu terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

soru şuydu question was about
bizim için soru şuydu: for us the question was
fikir şuydu the idea was
amaç şuydu the goal was
sorun şuydu: the problem was
sorun şuydu: the problem was that
varsayım şuydu: the assumption was that
umut şuydu: the hope was that
fikir şuydu: the idea was that
iddia şuydu the claim was that
pozisyon şuydu position was that
iyi olan şuydu: the good thing was that
anlayış şuydu: the understanding was that
amacım şuydu: my aim was
sorun şuydu the issue was whether
en kötüsü şuydu: the worst thing was that
sonuç şuydu: the result was that
inanç şuydu the belief was that
asıl plan şuydu: the original plan was
bu yaklaşımın gerekçesi şuydu: the rationale for this approach was
korku şuydu: the fear was that
tahminler şuydu: estimates were that
sonuç şuydu the implication was that
muhakeme şuydu: reasoning was that
gerekçe şuydu: the rationale was
plan şuydu: the plan was for
onun görüşü şuydu: his view was that
teklif şuydu the proposal was that
kaygısı şuydu: its concern was
mantık şuydu: the logic was that
ana mesaj şuydu: main message was that
kanıtı şuydu: his evidence was
demek istediğim şuydu: what i meant was that
arayışı şuydu: quest was for
benim anladığım şuydu: my understanding is that it was
verilen asıl sebep şuydu: the main reason given was
demek istediğim şuydu: what i meant to say was that
bulguları şuydu: their finding was that
asıl niyet şuydu: original intent was to
onun mesajı şuydu: his message was that
ilk sorun şuydu: the first problem was that
ama sorun şuydu: but the problem was
hükümetin hedefi şuydu: the government's goal was
benim endişem şuydu: my concern was that
fikirler şuydu the ideas was to
soru acil bir soru the question is a pressing one
alternatif soru alternative question
aptalca bir soru sor ve aptal bir cevap alırsın ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer
soru sormak beg the question
hemen cevaplanması gereken soru burning question