sendika kilisesi

sendika kilisesi teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
sendika kilisesi union church

sendika kilisesi terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

sendika sendika danışma komitesi trade union advisory committee to the oecd
sendika veya sendika olmayan union or non union
küresel sendika federasyonu sendika ağı uluslararası global union federation union network international
habeş kilisesi abyssinian church
anglikan kilisesi anglican church
apostolik kilisesi apostolic church
ermeni kilisesi armenian church
bizans kilisesi byzantine church
katolik apostolik kilisesi catholic apostolic church
katolik kilisesi catholic church
kolaylık kilisesi chapel of ease
mesih kilisesi, bilim adamı church of christ, scientist
ingiltere kilisesi church of england
tanrı kilisesi church of god
son gün azizlerin isa mesih kilisesi church of jesus christ of latter-day saints
roma kilisesi church of rome
iskoçya kilisesi church of scotland
kardeşler kilisesi church of the brethren
yeni kudüs kilisesi church of the new jerusalem
slav kilisesi church slavic
anglikan kilisesi collegiate church
topluluk kilisesi community church
cemaat kilisesi congregational church
kıpti kilisesi coptic church
doğu kilisesi eastern church
doğu ortodoks kilisesi eastern orthodox church
piskopos kilisesi episcopal church
amerika'da piskoposluk kilisesi episcopal church in america
federasyon kilisesi federated church
salon kilisesi hall church
ev kilisesi house church
latin kilisesi latin church
lutheran kilisesi lutheran church
moravya kilisesi moravian church
ortodoks kilisesi orthodox church
presbiteryen kilisesi presbyterian church
protestan piskoposluk kilisesi protestant episcopal church
amerika birleşik devletleri'nde protestan piskoposluk kilisesi protestant episcopal church in the united states
roma katolik kilisesi roman catholic church
rus kilisesi russian church
hizmetçi kilisesi servant church
devlet kilisesi state church
birleşme kilisesi unification church
birleşik kanada kilisesi united church of canada
birleşik mesih kilisesi united church of christ
birleşik metodist kilisesi united methodist church
batı kilisesi western church
yunan kilisesi greek church
yunan ortodoks kilisesi greek orthodox church
bölge kilisesi parish church