adil başarı

adil başarı teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
adil başarı fair success

adil başarı terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

adil, adil ve adil just, fair and equitable
adil, adil ve adil fair, just and equitable
adil ve adil fair and just
adil ve adil fair and equitable
adil ve adil just and fair
adil ve adil muamele fair and equitable treatment
adil ve adil just and equitable
adil ve adil tazminat fair and just compensation
adil, adil ve makul fair, just and reasonable
adil ve adil fairly and justly
adil ve adil yargılanan just and fair trial
adil ve adil justly and fairly
adil ve adil bir şekilde fair and equitable manner
daha adil ve adil bir dünya a more just and equitable world
adil ve adil şartlarda on fair and equitable terms
adil ve adil bir şekilde on a fair and equitable basis
adil ve adil standart fair and equitable standard
adil ve adil bir yol fair and just way
adil, adil ve fair, just and
adil ve adil is fair and equitable
adil ve adil temsil fair and equitable representation
adil ve adil ol be fair and just
adil, adil ve şeffaf fair, equitable and transparent
adil ve adil muamele just and equitable treatment
adil adil sonuçlar üretmek producing fair equitable results
adil ve adil bir şekilde uğraştığı yer where he deals fairly and equitably
daha adil ve adil olun make a more fair and equitable
adil ve adil bir şekilde in a fair and equitable way
adil ve adil olmak isteyen seeking fair and equitable
adil ve adil istihdam fair and just employment
adil, daha adil fair, more just
kurul adil ve adil muamele sağlayacaktır the board shall provide for the fair and equitable treatment
adil ve adil erişim fair and equitable access
adil ve adil muamele kavramları the concepts of fair and equitable treatment
genetik kaynaklara erişim, adil ve adil access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable
adil ve adil olmak being fair and just
adil ve adil bir dünya a fair and just world
adil ve adil toplumlar equitable and just societies
adil ve adil bir temel fair and equitable basis
adil ve adil uygulamalar fair and equitable practices
adil ve adil bir temel a fair and equitable basis
daha adil ve adil bir dünya more equitable and just world
adil ve adil tazminat just and fair compensation
adil ve adil is fair and just
adil ve adil bir dünya a just and equitable world
adil ve adil ticaret fair and just trade
adil ve adil ticaret uygulamaları fair and equitable trading practices
daha adil ve daha adil fairer and more just
adil ve adil bir yargılama a just and fair trial
adil başarı fair achievement