devlet rekabeti

devlet rekabeti teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
devlet rekabeti state competition

devlet rekabeti terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

devlet rekabeti state rivalry
tüm devlet rekabeti all-state competition
retina rekabeti retinal rivalry
fiyat rekabeti price competition
pazar rekabeti market competition
kardeş rekabeti sibling rivalry
fiyat rekabeti price competitiveness
boğaz rekabeti cut-throat competition
vergi rekabeti tax competition
rekabeti bozmak distort competition
iş rekabeti business competition
kamu rekabeti public competition
iş rekabeti business competitiveness
rekabeti teşvik etmek encourage competition
zararlı vergi rekabeti harmful tax competition
rekabeti yenmek beating the competition
dava rekabeti case competition
kaynak rekabeti resource competition
iş planı rekabeti business plan competition
ihracat rekabeti export competition
rekabeti geride bırak outperform the competition
rekabeti kısıtlamak restrict competition
iş rekabeti competition for jobs
ücret rekabeti wage competition
ihale rekabeti bidding competition
rekabeti artırmak increase competition
rekabeti azaltmak lessen competition
rekabeti teşvik etmek foster competition
dostluk rekabeti friendly rivalry
iş rekabeti job competition
rekabeti kısıtlamak restrain competition
ithalat rekabeti import competition
rekabeti bozar distorts competition
rekabeti teşvik etmek promote competition
satış rekabeti sales competition
endüstri rekabeti industry competition
rekabet rekabeti drive competition
rekabeti artırmak enhance competition
adil pazar rekabeti fair market competition
serbest piyasa rekabeti free market competition
rekabeti yener beats the competition
rekabeti bozmak distorting competition
rekabeti kısıtlamak restricting competition
şiddetli fiyat rekabeti fierce price competition
rekabeti arttırır enhances competition
tüketici rekabeti consumer competition
sürüş rekabeti driving competition
rekabeti kontrol et check out the competition
rakam rekabeti figure competition
rekabeti artırmak boost competition