tam tersi var

tam tersi var teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
tam tersi var so has the opposite

tam tersi var terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

mary, mary, tam tersi mary, mary, quite contrary
tam tersi the other way round
tam tersi quite the opposite
tam tersi quite the contrary
tam tersi on the reverse
tam tersi değil not the other way around
tam tersi reverse course
tam tersi just the opposite
tam tersi quite the reverse
tam tersi doğrudur the reverse is true
ya da tam tersi or vice versa
tam tersi doğruydu the reverse was true
tam tersi yerine rather than the other way around
tam tersi doğruydu the opposite was true
tam tersi at the opposite
tam tersi rather the opposite
tam tersi it is the opposite
tam tersi in the opposite way
tam tersi is the opposite
bu tam tersi it is the other way around
ve tam tersi and the other way around
tam tersi full reverse
tam tersi the very opposite
tam tersi the opposite is the case
bu tam tersi it's the other way around
tam tersi durumda in the opposite case
tam tersi değil not vice versa
tam tersi yerine instead of the other way around
tam tersi contrasts starkly
tam tersi direct opposite
tam tersi olur the opposite occurs
tam tersi de geçerlidir the opposite is also true
tam tersi geçerli the opposite holds true
tam tersi opposite charge
tam tersi exactly the opposite
tam tersi it's the opposite
tam tersi on the reverse hereof
veya tam tersi or the opposite
tam tersi doğrudur quite the opposite is true
tam tersi durum the opposite situation
ama tam tersi but quite the opposite
tam tersi is quite the opposite
ama tam tersi but the opposite
tam tersi olur the opposite happens
tam tersi değil rather than the other way round
tam tersi right opposite
tam tersi an opposite
bunun tam tersi the opposite of this
tam tersi than vice versa
tam tersi is just the opposite