o çocukken

o çocukken teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
o çocukken when she was a child

o çocukken terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

ben çoçukken when i was a child
çocukken as a kid
o çocukken when he was a child
çocukken eskiden when i was a child i used to
ben çocukken when i was child
ben çocukken when i was a kid
bir çocukken bile even as a child
biz çocukken when we were children
çocukken as i child
çocukken hatırlıyorum i remember when i was a child
hala çocukken while still a child
çocukken ne zaman when as a child
biz çocukken when we were kids
çocukken as a juvenile
sadece çocukken when i was just a child
ben çocukken when i was a boy
ben çocukken when i were a child
çocukken büyüyor growing up as a kid
çocukken when being a child
çocukken istediğim when i was a child i wanted
sen çocukken when you were a child
sen çocukken when you were a kid
çocukken sirk şehre geldiğinde hatırlıyorum i remember when you were a child and the circus came to town
çocukken bunu hayal ettim as a child i dreamt that
çocukken çok zaman geçirdim as a child, i spent a lot of time
çocukken düşündüm as a child i thought
çocukken hatırlıyorum ki i remember when i was a child that
çocukken, gittim when i was a child, i went to
çocukken zevk aldın you enjoyed as a child
çocukken istismara uğradı he was abused as a child
o çocukken öldü died when he was a child
ben çocukken when i was a child, i was
çocukken oynadığın tüm eğlenceli oyunları hatırlıyor musun? remember all those fun games you played when you were a kid?
o sadece bir çocukken when he was just a boy
çocukken yapardım as a child i would
çocukken mutluydum i was happy as a child
çocukken tecavüze uğramak being raped as a child
hala çocukken when i was still a child
ben çocukken me as child
çocukken bir şeyden korkuyor muydu? was afraid of something as a child?
ben çocukken when l was a child
çocukken hatırlıyorum i remember as a kid
çocukken evi her home as a child
çocukken konuştum when i was a child, i spoke
çocukken istediğim as a child i wanted
ben çocukken when a i was a child