onlar kim

onlar kim teriminin Türkçe - İngilizce sözlükteki anlamı

Türkçe İngilizce
onlar kim they are those who

onlar kim terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

onlar onlar they are the ones
onlar sadece onlar they are the only ones
onlar onlar rather they are
onlar onlar they are those
onlar sadece onlar they're the only ones
onlar kim who they are
onlar kim it is them who
onlar kim who they
onlar kim it is they who
onlar kim they are the ones who
onlar kim are they who
onlar kim it's them who
onlar kim they who
onlar kim are the ones who
onlar kim ve who they are and
onlar kim yapar they are who make
kim, kim who's who
kim kim who is who
kim kim? who's who
kim bilir kim who knows where
her kim kim whoever who
ilk kim kim? who's on first?
kim kim who who
kim bilir kim who knows which
kim kim listesi who is who list
kim bu kim who are those people whom
kim yenildi ve kim yenildi who's up and who's down
kim olanlar kim those of you who who
kim bilir kim who know where
kim yok kim no man who
onlar they
onlar & # x27; ll they'll
onlar & # x27; re they're
onlar & # x27; ettik they've
düşmanla tanıştık ve onlar bizim we have met the enemy, and they are ours
düşmanla tanıştık ve onlar biziz we have met the enemy, and they are us
onlar they are
onlar they were
onlar gibi as they
onlar sahip they have
onlar vardı they had
onlar olsun whether they are
onlar those are
onlar gibi as those
onlar olmuştur they have been
onlar & # 039; re they're
onlar söylüyor they say
onlar tarafından by them
onlar üzerinde on them
onlar hoşlanıyor they like