humboldt peak

humboldt peak teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
humboldt peak humboldt tepe

humboldt peak terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

humboldt humboldt
humboldt bay humboldt körfezi
humboldt current humboldt akımı
humboldt university berlin humboldt üniversitesi berlin
humboldt current large marine ecosystem humboldt akım büyük deniz ekosistemi
humboldt penguin humboldt pengueni
humboldt current system humboldt akım sistemi
economist from humboldt university in berlin berlin'deki humboldt üniversitesi'nden ekonomist
humboldt research award humboldt araştırma ödülü
humboldt fellow humboldt üyesi
humboldt university of berlin berlin humboldt üniversitesi
peak to peak zirveden zirveye
peak-peak voltage tepe-tepe voltajı
peak-to-peak value tepe-tepe değeri
peak to peak amplitude tepeden tepeye genlik
peak and off-peak yoğun ve yoğun olmayan
from peak to peak zirveden zirveye
volts peak to peak zirveden zirveye volt
peak-to-peak distance tepeden tepeye mesafe
peak-peak detection tepe-tepe algılama
peak or off-peak en yüksek veya en düşük
peak to peak reading tepeden tepeye okuma
arapaho peak arapaho tepe
blanca peak blanca tepe
borah peak borah peak
boundary peak sınır tepe
capitol peak başkent tepe
castle peak kale tepe
charleston peak charleston zirvesi
cloud peak bulut zirvesi
communism peak komünizm zirvesi
crestone peak crestone tepe
culebra peak culebra peak
el diente peak el diente peak
electric peak elektrik tepe
franks peak franklar zirvesi
handies peak zirve ekler
harney peak harney peak
humphreys peak humphreys tepe
kaufmann peak kaufmann tepe
kings peak krallar zirvesi
kitt peak national observatory kitt peak ulusal gözlemevi
la plata peak la plata zirvesi
lassen peak lassen tepe
lenin peak lenin tepe
longs peak uzun dönem zirve
maroon peak kestane rengi tepe
north truchas peak kuzey truchas tepe
off-peak indirimli
on-peak on pik