overall environmental performance

overall environmental performance teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
overall environmental performance genel çevresel performans

overall environmental performance terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

overall environmental impact genel çevresel etki
overall environmental footprint genel çevresel ayak izi
overall environmental assessment genel çevresel değerlendirme
the overall environmental benefits genel çevresel faydalar
overall environmental goal genel çevresel hedef
overall environmental well-being genel çevre refahı
overall performance genel performans
overall performance rating genel performans değerlendirme
overall financial performance genel finansal performans
overall business performance genel iş performansı
overall economic performance genel ekonomik performans
overall system performance genel sistem performansı
overall safety performance genel güvenlik performansı
overall company performance genel şirket performansı
overall performance management genel performans yönetimi
overall academic performance genel akademik performans
overall performance appraisals genel performans değerlendirmeleri
overall sustainability performance genel sürdürülebilirlik performansı
overall sales performance genel satış performansı
overall performance study genel performans çalışması
overall industry performance genel endüstri performansı
overall good performance genel olarak iyi performans
overall service performance genel servis performansı
better overall performance daha iyi genel performans
overall programme performance genel program performansı
overall project performance genel proje performansı
strengthen overall performance genel performansı güçlendirmek
overall management performance genel yönetim performansı
your overall performance genel performansın
overall operational performance . genel operasyonel performans.
enhanced overall performance gelişmiş genel performans
to raise the overall performance genel performansı arttırmak
overall tyre performance genel lastik performansı
overall performance for genel performans
their overall performance onların genel performansı
assess the overall programme performance genel program performansını değerlendirmek
influence overall performance genel performansı etkilemek
overall reading performance genel okuma performansı
overall peak performance genel en yüksek performans
overall policing performance genel polislik performansı
increase overall performance genel performansı artırmak
overall performance of the car otomobilin genel performansı
outstanding overall performance olağanüstü genel performans
overall performance goals genel performans hedefleri
environmental performance çevresel performans
environmental performance index çevresel performans endeksi
high environmental performance yüksek çevresel performans
improved environmental performance gelişmiş çevresel performans
improve environmental performance çevresel performansı iyileştirmek
environmental performance review çevresel performans değerlendirmesi