pure plant oil

pure plant oil teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
pure plant oil saf bitkisel yağ

pure plant oil terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

to the pure all things are pure saf olan her şey saf olan
pure oil saf yağ
pure olive oil saf zeytinyağı
pure rape-seed oil saf kolza tohumu yağı
pure tea tree oil saf çay ağacı yağı
from plant to plant bitkiden bitkiye
castor-oil plant hint yağı tesisi
oil-plant yağ bitki
plant oil bitkisel yağ
oil plant yağ tesisi
castor oil plant hint yağı tesisi
oil power plant petrol santrali
oil-fired power plant petrol yakıtlı elektrik santrali
oil treatment plant yağ arıtma tesisi
oil processing plant yağ işleme tesisi
oil milling plant petrol fabrikası
olive oil plant zeytinyağı fabrikası
gas oil separation plant gaz yağı ayırma tesisi
oil fired plant petrol yakıtlı tesis
oil refining plant petrol arıtma tesisi
essential plant oil uçucu bitki yağı
fuel oil fired power plant akaryakıt yakıtlı elektrik santrali
waste plant oil atık bitki yağı
oil sands and oil shale yağ kumları ve yağ şeylleri
fuel oil, lubrication oil and other flammable oils shall not akaryakıt, yağlama yağı ve diğer yanıcı yağlar
crude oil, oil products ham petrol, petrol ürünleri
olive oil or canola oil zeytinyağı veya kanola yağı
oil oil bushing yağ yağı burcu
crude oil or oil products ham petrol veya petrol ürünleri
oil and oil-related products yağ ve yağ ile ilgili ürünler
oil oil hose yağ yağ hortumu
evening primrose oil and grape seed oil çuha çiçeği yağı ve üzüm çekirdeği yağı
no oil oil yağ yağı yok
critique of pure reason saf akıl eleştirisi
idea of pure reason saf sebep fikri
ideal of pure reason saf nedenin ideali
pure saf
pure absence saf yokluk
pure and simple saf ve basit
pure as the driven snow kar yağışı kadar saf
pure culture saf kültür
pure democracy saf demokrasi
pure food and drug act saf yiyecek ve ilaç kanunu
pure imaginary number saf hayali sayı
pure laine saf laine
pure land saf toprak
pure land sects saf toprak mezhepleri
pure line saf çizgi
pure reason saf sebep
pure-bred safkan