far from exhausted

far from exhausted teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
far from exhausted bitkin olmaktan uzak

far from exhausted terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

far from being exhausted yorgun olmaktan uzak
exhausted yorgun
is exhausted bitkin
exhausted air yorgun hava
exhausted fumes bitkin duman
i am exhausted çok yorgunum
exhausted from tükenmiş
become exhausted tükenmek
are exhausted yorgun
exhausted gas tükenmiş gaz
exhausted batteries bitmiş piller
to be exhausted bitkin olmak
i'm exhausted bitkinim
have been exhausted tükenmiş
has been exhausted tükendi
absolutely exhausted tamamen bitkin
completely exhausted tamamen bitkin
exhausted battery bitmiş pil
totally exhausted tamamen tükenmiş
get exhausted yorulmak
was exhausted tükenmişti
has exhausted tükendi
have exhausted tükenmiş
feel exhausted yorgun hissetmek
will be exhausted tükenecek
been exhausted tükenmiş
very exhausted çok yorgun
i was exhausted çok yorgundum
is exhausted from tükenmiş
utterly exhausted tamamen tükenmiş
air is exhausted hava bitmiştir
becomes exhausted bitkin hale gelir
be exhausted from tükenmek
thoroughly exhausted iyice tükenmiş
i feel exhausted yorgun hissediyorum
exhausted fan yorgun fan
exhausted through tükenmiş
gases exhausted tükenmiş gazlar
i have left me exhausted beni yorgun bıraktım
remove exhausted batteries bitmiş pilleri çıkarın
having exhausted tükenmiş olmak
you have exhausted çok yorgunsun
exhausted soil bitkin toprak
we were exhausted yorulduk
largely exhausted büyük ölçüde tükenmiş
became exhausted bitkin oldu
virtually exhausted neredeyse bitkin
emotionally exhausted duygusal olarak tükenmiş
list of speakers is exhausted konuşmacıların listesi tükenmiş
mentally exhausted zihinsel olarak tükenmiş