prosthesis and orthotic

prosthesis and orthotic teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
prosthesis and orthotic protez ve ortez

prosthesis and orthotic terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

prosthetic and orthotic protez ve ortez
prosthetic and orthotic devices protez ve ortez cihazları
prosthetic and orthotic solutions protez ve ortotik çözümler
prosthetic and orthotic appliances protez ve ortez aletleri
orthotic ortez
orthotic devices ortez cihazları
orthotic management ortez yönetimi
orthotic support ortez desteği
orthotic appliances ortez aletleri
orthotic fabrication ortotik imalat
orthotic insole ortotik iç taban
orthotic fitting ortez fitingi
orthotic prosthetic ortotik protez
custom orthotic devices özel ortotik cihazlar
orthotic arch support ortez kemer desteği
partial and full prosthesis remain as foreign bodies, cause kısmi ve tam protez yabancı cisimler olarak kalır, neden
prosthesis protez
surgical prosthesis cerrahi protez
penile prosthesis penis protezi
joint prosthesis eklem protezi
dental prosthesis diş protezi
hip prosthesis kalça protezi
heart valve prosthesis kalp kapağı protezi
removable prosthesis çıkarılabilir protez
valve prosthesis kapak protezi
cemented prosthesis çimentolu protez
hybrid prosthesis melez protez
implant prosthesis implant protezi
knee prosthesis diz protezi
prosthesis stem protez gövdesi
provisional prosthesis geçici protez
scan prosthesis tarama protezi
ocular prosthesis göz protezi
voice prosthesis ses protezi
eye prosthesis göz protezi
hair prosthesis saç protezi
a prosthesis bir protez
testicular prosthesis testis protezi
prosthesis implant protez implantı
metal prosthesis metal protezi
wearing a prosthesis protez takmak
surface prosthesis yüzey protezi
disc prosthesis disk protezi
revision prosthesis revizyon protezi
prosthesis socket protez soketi
prosthesis implantation protez implantasyonu
upper limb prosthesis üst ekstremite protezi
c prosthesis c protezi
clasp prosthesis toka protezi
remove the prosthesis protezi çıkarın