leaves high school

leaves high school teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
leaves high school lise bırakır

leaves high school terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

blow leaves leaves darbe yaprakları
middle school high school orta okul lise
high school school teacher lise öğretmeni
middle school and junior high school ortaokul ve ortaokul
high school, middle school lise, ortaokul
he leaves school okulu bırakıyor
leaves school okulu terk eder
junior high and high school ortaokul ve lise
from school to school okuldan okula
in-school and after-school okul içi ve okul sonrası
on a school by school basis okul bazında okul bazında
your school school okul okulun
on school by school basis okul bazında okul bazında
a school official is a person employed by the school okul görevlisi okul tarafından istihdam edilen kişidir
pre-school-and-elementary-school children okul öncesi ve ilkokul çocukları
school-by-school basis okul bazında
pre-school and school okul öncesi ve okul
district high school ilçe lisesi
high school lise
junior high school ortaokul
senior high school lise
high school diploma lise diploması
high school graduate lise mezunu
high school degree lise derecesi
high school students lise öğrencileri
high school senior lise son sınıf
high school education lise eğitimi
some high school bazı liseler
high school transcript lise not dökümü
high school graduation lise mezuniyeti
in high school lisede
at high school lisede
high school dropout liseyi yarım bırakan
middle and high school orta ve lise
high school principal lise müdürü
high school level lise seviyesi
graduate from high school liseden mezun olmak
high school junior lise ortaokulu
less than high school liseden daha az
post high school lise sonrası
high school certificate lise sertifikası
high school teacher lise öğretmeni
technical high school teknik lise
vocational high school meslek lisesi
senior in high school lise son sınıf
comprehensive high school kapsamlı lise
public high school devlet lisesi
high school counselor lise danışmanı
high school career lise kariyeri
graduated from high school liseden mezun