he was tasked with

he was tasked with teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
he was tasked with görev aldı

he was tasked with terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

tasked görevli
tasked with ile görevli
is tasked with ile görevli
are tasked görevli
was tasked görevlendirildi
was tasked with ile görevlendirildi
are tasked with görevli
is tasked görevli
were tasked with görevlendirildi
were tasked görevlendirildi
has been tasked görevlendirildi
be tasked görevlendirilmek
have been tasked görevlendirilmiş
have been tasked with görevlendirilmiş
be tasked with görevlendirilmek
i was tasked görevdeydim
will be tasked with ile görevlendirilecek
has tasked görev verdi
bodies tasked görevli organlar
will be tasked görevlendirilecek
primarily tasked öncelikle görev
had been tasked görev almıştı
tasked to work çalışmakla görevli
they are tasked with onlar görevli
has been tasked with ile görevlendirilmiş
as tasked görev olarak
tasked with the responsibilities sorumluluklarla görevli
we were tasked görev aldık
tasked with managing yönetme ile görevli
tasked for görevli
tasked with supporting destek vermekle görevli
tasked with investigating soruşturma ile görevli
it is tasked with ile görevli
being tasked görev almak
institutions tasked with görevli kurumlar
is tasked to work çalışmakla görevli
he was tasked görevliydi
when tasked görev verildiğinde
tasked with the project proje ile görevlendirilmiş
which is tasked with hangi görev
heavily tasked ağır görev
tasked assignments görevlendirilmiş ödevler
would be tasked with ile görev olurdu
tasked to review inceleme görevi
tasked with providing sağlamakla görevli
are not tasked görevli değil
is specifically tasked to özellikle görevlendirilmiş
tasked with relating ile ilgili görev
having been tasked with görevlendirilmiş
is tasked with supporting destek vermekle görevli