a living sculpture

a living sculpture teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
a living sculpture yaşayan bir heykel

a living sculpture terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

sculpture heykel
soft sculpture yumuşak heykel
sculpture garden heykel bahçesi
relief sculpture kabartma heykel
light sculpture hafif heykel
body sculpture vücut heykel
kinetic sculpture kinetik heykel
sculpture in the round yuvarlak heykel
sand sculpture kumdan heykel
ice sculpture buz heykel
sculpture park heykel parkı
figurative sculpture figüratif heykel
a sculpture bir heykel
sculpture trail heykel izi
wall sculpture duvar heykel
wood sculpture ahşap heykel
sculpture walk heykel yürüyüşü
sculpture galleries heykel galerileri
portrait sculpture portre heykel
early sculpture erken heykel
stone sculpture taş heykel
sculpture court heykel mahkemesi
ceramic sculpture seramik heykel
clay sculpture kil heykel
moving sculpture hareketli heykel
paper sculpture kağıt heykel
painting and sculpture resim ve heykel
art sculpture sanat heykel
animal sculpture hayvan heykel
plaster sculpture alçı heykel
piece of sculpture heykel parçası
public sculpture kamu heykel
bronze sculpture bronz heykel
environmental sculpture çevresel heykel
sculpture cast heykel döküm
fire sculpture ateş heykel
limestone sculpture kireçtaşı heykel
cast sculpture heykel heykel
food sculpture yemek heykel
imposing sculpture heybetli heykel
made a sculpture heykel yaptı
greek sculpture yunan heykel
nude sculpture çıplak heykel
unique sculpture benzersiz heykel
sculpture gallery heykel galerisi
an sculpture bir heykel
copper sculpture bakır heykel
memorial sculpture anıt heykel
sculpture installations heykel teçhizatları
ancient sculpture antik heykel