she was held by

she was held by teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
she was held by tarafından tutuldu

she was held by terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

hold held held bekletildi bekletildi
having held held tutulan
she held tuttu
she is held o tutulur
she has held o tuttu
she has held positions pozisyon aldı
she was being held tutuluyordu
where she had been held nerede tutulduğu
she held up a hand bir elini kaldırdı
she always held o her zaman tuttu
a position she held until o kadar tuttu ki
she wishes she could yapabileceğini istiyor
she wishes she had sahip olmasını ister
she told me that she had bana sahip olduğunu söyledi
being the woman she is, i know she's strong onun olduğu kadın, onun güçlü olduğunu biliyorum
she said she wanted istediğini söyledi
she said she would o olacağını söyledi
she she o o
she said she was olduğunu söyledi
she got the job because she işi aldı çünkü
she told me that she had had bana sahip olduğunu söyledi
she didn't know she had bildiğini bilmiyordu
she believed she could yapabileceğine inanıyordu
she knew that she had sahip olduğunu biliyordu
she said she was committed to innovation and the technology yenilik ve teknolojiye bağlı olduğunu söyledi
she says that she o diyor ki
she got married when she was 25 25 yaşındayken evlendi
she thought she was sick so hasta olduğunu düşünüyordu
be-held -be tutulan
hand-held el
held bekletilen
john held john holding
held by tarafından tutulan
held up tutuldu
will be held düzenlenecek
to be held yapılacak
held accountable tutulan hesap
held back geri çekildi
held on tutuldu
held in düzenlenen
held out düzenlenen
held liable sorumlu tutulan
was held tutuldu
held responsible sorumlu tutuldu
is held düzenlenmektedir
privately held özel şirket
position held çalışılan pozisyon
are held tutuluyor
being held tutulma
long-held uzun tutulan