were found to be united

were found to be united teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
were found to be united birleşmiş olduğu bulundu

were found to be united terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

united states mission to the united nations birleşmiş milletler birleşmiş milletler misyonu
united nations found. inc. birleşmiş milletler bulundu. inc.
united nations found birleşmiş milletler bulundu
find found found bulunan bulundu bulunan bulundu
were united birleşmişlerdi
they were united birleşmişlerdi
united states were amerika birleşik devletleri
that were united bu birleşmiş
were found bulundular
were found to have olduğu bulundu
they were found onlar bulundu
were found guilty suçlu bulundu
were found out bulundu
were found dead ölü bulundu
they were found guilty suçlu bulundular
were nowhere to be found bulunacak hiçbir yer yoktu
no records were found kayıt bulunamadı
no matches were found eşleşme bulunamadı
errors were found hata bulundu
were also found ayrıca bulundu
were found to be similar benzer olduğu bulundu
issues were found sorunlar bulundu
were found to be in compliance with ile uyumlu bulundu
significant differences were found önemli farklılıklar bulundu
were found to contain içerdiği bulundu
it were found bulundu
you were found guilty suçlu bulundun
were found to occur oluştuğu bulundu
were found to comply uyduğu bulundu
traces were found izler bulundu
were never found asla bulunamadı
no differences were found fark bulunamadı
were found wanting isteyen bulundu
irregularities were found usulsüzlükler bulundu
no pages were found containing içeren sayfa bulunamadı
the accused were found guilty sanık suçlu bulundu
they were found out onlar bulundu
were found to be higher daha yüksek olduğu bulundu
discrepancies were found tutarsızlıklar bulundu
the page you were looking for cannot be found. aradığınız sayfa bulunamadı.
apologies,but no results were found for the request özür dilerim, ancak istek için sonuç bulunamadı
were found absent eksik bulundu
money were found para bulundu
hits were found isabet bulundu
differences were found farklılıklar bulundu
were found to be contributing katkıda bulunduğu bulundu
injuries were found yaralanmalar bulundu
were found to be insufficient yetersiz bulundu
were found to be illegal yasadışı olduğu bulundu
gaps were found boşluklar bulundu