women who are diagnosed with

women who are diagnosed with teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
women who are diagnosed with tanısı alan kadınlar

women who are diagnosed with terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

women will be diagnosed kadınlar teşhis edilecek
women are diagnosed when kadınlar ne zaman teşhis edilir
women for women international kadınlar için uluslararası kadınlar
women on women equal ownership kadınlar üzerindeki eşit mülkiyet kadınlar
diagnosed tanısı
diagnosed with teşhisi kondu
newly diagnosed yeni teşhis
was diagnosed with teşhis edildi
was diagnosed teşhis konuldu
diagnosed with cancer kanser teşhisi kondu
diagnosed early erken teşhis
are diagnosed with teşhis edildi
to be diagnosed teşhis edilecek
i was diagnosed with teşhis edildi
clinically diagnosed klinik olarak teşhis
have been diagnosed teşhis konuldu
i was diagnosed teşhis konuldu
is diagnosed with teşhis edildi
he was diagnosed o teşhis edildi
she was diagnosed o teşhis edildi
are diagnosed teşhis edildi
he was diagnosed with teşhis edildi
has been diagnosed with teşhis edildi
she was diagnosed with o teşhis edildi
were diagnosed teşhis edildi
been diagnosed teşhis edildi
have been diagnosed with teşhisi kondu
has been diagnosed teşhis edildi
have you been diagnosed teşhis konuldu mu
to be diagnosed with teşhis edilmek
were diagnosed with teşhis edildi
children diagnosed with teşhis edilen çocuklar
is diagnosed teşhis edildi
being diagnosed teşhis ediliyor
diagnosed with aids aids tanısı konuldu
diagnosed conditions teşhis koşulları
been diagnosed with teşhis edildi
diagnosed cancer teşhis edilmiş kanser
had been diagnosed teşhis edilmiş
initially diagnosed başlangıçta teşhis
diagnosed from tanısı konuldu
being diagnosed with teşhisi konmak
was eventually diagnosed sonunda teşhis edildi
formally diagnosed resmi olarak teşhis
she is diagnosed o teşhis edildi
suspected or diagnosed şüpheli veya teşhis edilmiş
diagnosed as having sahip olduğu teşhis edildi
most commonly diagnosed cancers en sık görülen kanserler
been diagnosed with diabetes diyabet teşhisi kondu
when first diagnosed ilk tanı konduğunda